I am a Distributor through the CrowdPoint Ecosystem in the Advanced Medicine Exchange and Cyber Security Exchange (AMeX and CPeX); Have an online store in the Interactive Media Exchange (IMeX) on the blockchain in the CrowdPoint Ecosystem. Also a business owner of \\Rescue Me\\ Solutions in USA. After transporting many patients as a Paramedic/Firefighter and witnessing a majority of folks with bags full of prescription medications and not knowing their \\why\\ and \\side effects\\ for taking them, I gained a passion for encouraging Natural Health options; thus AMeX. Have a passion for assisting folks to regain their online protection; thus CPeX. My husband is a singer/songwritier and plays guitar while also building unique electric guitar bodies, custom wood pick guards and custom wood truss rod covers, thus IMeX where we are selling those there. brVisit my websites: brhttps://ellipsis.crowdpoint.tech/?afmc=SNiB980NX5If0cRQAZkU3 brhttps://www.amm.healthsector.exchange/?afmc=SNiB980NX5If0cRQAZkU3 brhttps://i.mediaentertainment.exchange/?afmc=SNiB980NX5If0cRQAZkU3