Beginner's Guide: How to Improve Your Kid's English Pronunciation?

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When they first begin learning English, many people become overwhelmed. When it comes to pronunciation, English presents a unique set of difficulties.


When they first begin learning English, many people become overwhelmed. When it comes to pronunciation, English presents a unique set of difficulties. Students frequently believe they will never be able to pronounce the difficult sounds for which their native languages have no equivalent.


It's not a reason to become discouraged and give up if you have difficulties with pronunciation. It's a skill that, with practice, will gradually improve. So here we have listed tips to make your kid's pronunciation better.


Tips to improve your kid's English pronunciation:



  • Exaggerate the sounds and speak slowly



Many English students believe that speaking quickly will give them a better first impression. For the bulk of the moment, this is not the possibility. Slurring their speech and reinforcing bad habits are two of the most common side effects of speaking quickly.


Conversely, speaking slowly allows you to consider what you're saying and how you're saying it. You will also feel more relaxed as a result. You can take do my english homework from the ThanksForTheHelp platform. There is also a service like plagiarism checker provided on this platform. 


You can begin by exaggerating your sounds when practising your speech. It is a great idea to do so.  Pay close attention to the ones you can't say. Don't be concerned if this appears strange at first. It's a great way to practise pronouncing new words.



  • Take it easy



Many English students mistakenly believe that speaking fluently entails speaking quickly. That's not the case. Speaking too quickly reinforces bad habits while also making the speaker appear nervous and indecisive. Slowing down your speech will allow you to take deep breaths and consider your next words. You'll feel more relaxed and be able to concentrate on making your English sound fantastic because it gives you time to think while you're speaking.



  • Consider the Physical Aspect of Pronunciation



You will use your speech organs differently when speaking a foreign language. In other words, your tongue, mouth, and throat will be used in ways you're not used to. It's necessary to understand how native speakers speak and their mouth movements and try to imitate them in front of a mirror.



  • Watch and listen to podcasts and videos that focus on pronunciation



One of the best aspects of the Internet is that it offers a wealth of free resources on virtually any subject. You'll find many useful videos on YouTube that focus on ways to help you improve your English pronunciation if you do a quick search.



  • Tongue Twisters can be practised



Tongue twisters have been around for a long time as a way to improve pronunciation. A tongue twister is a phrase with many similar sounds that is difficult to pronounce. Begin by slowly but accurately pronouncing each of the tongue twister's words. Then try to increase your speed until you can say them quickly. They are an excellent way to exercise your speech organs, as you will see for yourself.



  • Make English Listening to a Part of Your Day-to-Day Routine



Hearing the correct way to pronounce different English sounds is an important part of pronunciation. The untrained ear misses a lot of subtleties. Only by listening to a lot of English can you learn to distinguish those sounds and become familiar with how they are pronounced. This is why you should try to immerse yourself in as much English video and audio as possible.



  • Break Down Words Into Syllables and Practice Difficult Sounds



In textbooks and on the internet, numerous diagrams and videos show how to pronounce each sound using your tongue and mouth. In front of the mirror, begin practising difficult sounds by learning where to place your tongue and how to shape your mouth. It helps to break down a difficult word into syllables and say each one slowly when pronouncing a difficult word, not just a sound.



  • Practice and Record Yourself at Home



Students are afraid of making mistakes, which is why pronunciation issues persist. It's important to remember that it's a skill that only gets better with practice. So, to avoid feeling self-conscious, practise your speech at home. Pretend you've been asked questions and start a conversation with yourself.


It will be extremely beneficial if you record yourself on video or with a camera as you practise so that you can go back and listen for your errors. Listening to native English speakers in chunks and then recording yourself repeating those chunks is a great exercise to try. Make a few attempts at it. Pronounce the utterances as closely as possible to the native speakers.


Pay attention to how native speakers stress words and their intonation. As important as pronouncing the sounds themselves is the rhythm and music aspect of speech. First and foremost, let us remind ourselves that perfect pronunciation is not required for understanding. You'll be relieved to learn that the majority of native English speakers find foreign accents to be quite appealing.


As an English learner, all you have to do is make sure your accent isn't too heavy, as this will make it difficult for others to understand you. Fortunately, there are a plethora of resources available to assist you in improving your pronunciation.
