How do I smudge my new home in Pune after moving with movers?

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The ritual is vital to perform when you arrive at your new home with packers and movers in Pune to eliminate negative vibes and fill the space with abundance.

Attracting new vibes is vital to lead a happy life. Smudging plays a crucial role in inviting positive energy to a space. It is a way to cleanse a place and invite positive vibes. Smudging or smoke ceremony helps one to bless a home and people living in it. The ritual is vital to perform when you arrive at your new home with packers and movers in Pune to eliminate negative vibes and fill the space with abundance. 

Things to remember before smudging

Meditate for at least five to ten minutes to calm your mind before you begin the process. You should not rush the process. Try including other family members in the ritual. Keep space clearing tools, like herbs, smudge sticks, ring bells, etc., that you will need while smudging. 

The way to begin smudging

Begin with the front door of your home and light your smudge stick. Chant Mantras while smudging your stick. Move it around in the home mindfully, walking clockwise around. Make sure that smoke reaches into the hidden spaces. Sage is one of the most popular herbs and materials for smudging. It is associated with purity and has a strong presence of Cedar, copal, sweetgrass, lavender are some other smudging materials. Moreover, there are many smudging sticks available in the market; you can use them instead. 

Remember, the intention is key 

The intention is key in smudging. Thus, before you begin the process, take some time to contemplate your wishes for your home and loved ones. During smudging, a vacuum is created that welcomes intentions into your space and life. 

Last note

So after arriving at your new home with packers and movers in Hadapsar clean your home with this beautiful technique and invite positive vibes.
