The problem is that you don't get it, Jagex doesn't understand the idea

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The problem is that you don't get it, Jagex doesn't understand the idea

The problem is that you don't get it, Jagex doesn't understand the idea behind an"nerf. It is used to stop something being overpowered and RS Gold bring it back down to a stage where it is acceptable, they have developed a new set of gear that is generic and level 70 that's insignificant in comparison to Veracs. Jagex have to stop transforming usable contents into dead content. Barrows is just one release from becoming completly redundant as it is.

This isn't because they aren't aware of how to nerf something - it's the fault with the system of tiers. This tiering system a HORRIBLE concept. For those who have not discovered, all armor and weapons are scaled using an incredibly simple, straightforward relationship with the level of requirement. As a result, it is the death of all uniqueness of armour or weapons.

Things such as Korasi or Royal crossbow which had niche use are now simple weapons. Ganodermic cannot be contrasted with Virtus as a question of higher defence and soak versus more life boost and offense: Virtus is now simply "better by five levels."

Do not make an argument for passive effects or small amounts of crit bonus - excluding cost There is no reason to make use of lower level items in the event that you can access more advanced versions.

So, I've recently made the decision to try again. I've got about three or four old accounts of which are registered with just some or both of osrs accounts for sale my five or four emails.. I had additional accounts but deleted them sometime back.. I'm hoping that none of those messages were from my higher-level accounts but I digress.
