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Another excellent one is WOTLK

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Start date 01-11-24 - 12:00
End date 01-26-24 - 12:00
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    They've got some tough matchups. A lot of them are just holy Valley warrior teams or even holy pally DK teams. Then, in the mats category we've got rent or Craig with the Destro Lock or red Craig with an affliction. It's really not the best synergy. In general. Even though , in this TOS list, there are some cast bearings, do you know?

    And Craig inappropriately, does not mix very well with casters in all. They're not able to have the synergy they need, but they do have a lot in common with me late. That's it for the TOS and I'll move to threes, sure, and then , for threes there's not as many options in terms of rent and Craig.

    It's the way it is. However, there are still some that are among the top, so we'll discuss them. The most popular is PHP, a lot of people think of this cubically, but it's actually PHP, which is Paly Hunter priest. It's disk, marksman and then the rent, or the preg. And this comes amazing.

    It's good for all around top-of-the-line for all of that. It also has incredible synergy in which the hunter, priest, and the Paladin are able to instantly CC. They're able to do it continuously, really every minute, and the Paladin gets his amazing one every minute. Even though he's able to talk for Hodge that is 20 seconds less, it's still 40 seconds.

    However, the priests' 100 cc all is under 30 seconds. All they have and then they could be extremely offensive, and the palate could pick up a little of a gap with spells, bobbles, sacks, all his utility furs, has the capacity to allow priests to be more offensive. This includes inflicting a lot of damage on spells or mind control. You could make a troll bang and all of a sudden you can see one of the others waiting until they die with a hodge. It's crazy and that's just one of the reasons why this is the best way to go I believe for all the rent you pay or break habits.

    Number two is next is a variation, and the style differs, but we'll play the brief version because it's amazing and it's a little simpler to do, I believe, since they synergize so well. However, the other one is called cube to make cleave. It can be done for any healer except dis priests so you can do holy belly and yes, it is possible to play with Paladins, which are awesome like the guys.
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