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What is Gender Specific Treatment?
Gender specific treatment is an approach that caters to the physiological, emotional and psychological needs of the patient. Women, for example, have different experiences when it comes to alcohol and drug abuse than men.


This can affect their recovery. Fortunately, gender specific treatment offers a safe environment for patients to share their struggles and heal.

Gender-Specific Issues
Gender-specific issues are a topic that is catching the attention of many people. These topics often come up in news media, blogs, social media, and other online sources.

Research shows that gender is a major factor in determining health behavior, disease development and progression, diagnosis and management, and psychological and social impact of medical treatment. This is why it is important for healthcare professionals to be aware of the impact that gender has on a person's medical care and treatments.

Getting involved with the gender-specific analysis process can help you understand how your department's budget allocations, programs and services, and employment practices affect women and men. It can also help you make changes that will ensure that your department's thinking and practices are more supportive of gender equality.

Gender-Specific Trauma
Women and men experience trauma differently. Women are more likely to develop PTSD, which lasts four times longer and affects twice as many women as men.

During a traumatic experience, an individual can have a heightened reaction to triggers that can result in symptoms such as flashbacks, anxiety, depression and irritability. Those who are at risk for PTSD may need to seek trauma-informed care or EMDR therapy.

Gender-specific treatment can be beneficial for women who have suffered from abuse. Specifically, female patients who have experienced verbal, physical, or sexual assault at the hands of a man might not feel comfortable discussing these events with male patients in a group.

Gender-Specific Relationships
Gender is a sociocultural category that prescribes certain social relationships within and between genders. This socialization brings order into personal relationships and affects how people communicate, behave, and think about themselves and others.

Biological and hormonal factors contribute to differences in the two sexes, but it is also believed that cultural beliefs influence people's perceptions of their own gender. This is known as the nature versus nurture debate.

Research shows that different treatment by gender begins at birth and is passed on to children from parents. For example, fathers encourage more gender-stereotypical play and talk to their sons more based on stereotypes.

Gender schemas are cognitive representations that organize ideas and beliefs about what it means to be a man or a woman. They alter how people perceive themselves and others, especially in a relationship.

Gender-Specific Distractions
Gender is a big part of anyone's life and it can have an equally sized effect on mental health. It can affect one's access to resources, styles of interacting with others, self-evaluation and spirituality among other things. There are many types of gender related disorders and they can have a detrimental impact on quality of life for individuals. Thankfully, there are several effective strategies to help you cope with these problems. Some of these include: identifying and managing stress, improving sleep, increasing physical activity and reducing the use of social media. Some people find it helpful to discuss these issues with a trusted friend or family member. Often, these individuals can suggest ways to reduce or eliminate the problem. This will provide you with a healthier, happier life.
