Introduction Of Open Rotary Printer Operation

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The method of applying ink on the etching plate (steel plate) with open rotary printer: There are many ways to apply ink on the etching plate.

   The method of applying ink on the etching plate (steel plate) with open rotary printer: There are many ways to apply ink on the etching plate.
   First spray the ink on the etching plate, and then use a retractable scraper to scrape off the excess ink. At this time, the solvent remaining in the ink in the etched area volatilizes and forms a gel-like surface, and then the glue head drops onto the etching plate to absorb the ink.
  Ink absorption and printing products: The plastic head absorbs most of the ink on the etching plate and then rises. At this time, this layer of ink volatilizes, and the remaining part of the wet ink surface is more conducive to the close combination of the printed object and the plastic head. The shape of the plastic head should be able to produce a rolling action to exhaust the excess air on the surface of the etching plate and the ink. In the production process, the most ideal situation for the cooperation of the ink and the glue head is that all the ink on the etching plate is transferred to the printed object. During the production process (close to 10 microns or 0.01 mm thick ink adhesion is transferred to the On the substrate) the rubber head printing is easily affected by air, temperature, static electricity, etc. If the volatilization speed and the dissolution speed are controlled in a balanced state during the entire process from the etching plate to the transfer glue head to the substrate, then it is considered a successful printing. If the Flat Screen Printer Factory product evaporates too quickly, the ink will dry up before being absorbed. If the evaporation is too slow, the surface of the ink has not yet formed a gel, and it is difficult for the glue head to adhere to the substrate.
