Lane steals are the thing that destroys players' experience that is 5v5.

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Make as driving contact dunks, standing dip as strong as man contact dunks and driving dip as powerful. Increase the rating for man contact dunks from 75 to 85 and 2K MT quit letting every big man build them. Since virtually all facilities may get it man contact dunks mean next to nothing. A pure center shouldn't have 99 standing dip. A shooting glock should not find big man contact dunks. There should be a larger offensive gap between centers. Get cubes and losing the ball fakes. Repair putbacks. Fix post hooks. Redo the interior.

Lane steals are the thing that destroys players' experience that is 5v5. One of the problems is the fact that you literally spam while staying at precisely the same spot, steal. Passing lane steals ought to be a bet. Like pressing block, by pressing steal in the wrong time, you should be taken out of position. A failed sneak attempt should always bring about an open man. For non defensive assembles to get death lane steals Additionally, it is too simple.I feel screens need to be worked out with. I shouldn't be hauled into displays and have an elite get two feet of separation to get an instant green bc I have glued to the centre. In addition, I think they should make shooting tougher as builds with 75 3pt should not be able to shoot 7 from heavy even when they mastered their jumper. Shooting has to be more even. If u have a 3pt score then you need to have the ability to green but no one should legit be shooting 60 percent or greater when no in the league can even shoot that high of a percentage.

A lot of great points. I agree non shooting assembles should struggle, makes NBA 2K21 far more balanced. In terms of displays, I really made a post similar to this one on how to navigate them in case you're looking for a different guide. Thank you for the response! I just want a basketball game that is. I can't stand playing rec bc the death in NBA 2K21 is remarkably awful. The lanes are to easy to sit and every pass is slow. For spamming steal on moves, along with this gamers ought to be punished. There player ought to be off balance or something instead of just being able to steal any pass that's within 10ft of them. I am just sick of playing NBA 2K21 as it always frustrates me, as its superb far from how real basketball is played.

Two things I wanted to say. I saw you utilize silver and Burke, if 38 lately got a change, but do you have some idea? Or have some friends using 38 who noticed that a change? I know it's essentially a myth that 2K"stains" jumpers, but I vow my own cue changed now. I utilize Rudy Gay launch, so that could be what was changed also. I was struggling and began shooting in the motion and greened Now. The cue went when it had been in the back of the mind, out of Buy NBA 2K MT Coins the ball got to the top of my mind to almost. You seem like an expert thought I'd ask.
