5 Reasons a Big Bong Can Be a Big Pain

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5 Reasons a Big Bong Can Be a Big Pain

5 Reasons a Big Bong Can Be a Big Pain

We see these crazy looking giant bongs all the time, but are they really all they are cracked up to be? Well, you have the cracked up part right! They break all the time. They cost a lot of money and they are the least discreet smoke pipes you will ever find.To get more news about big bongs for sale, you can visit sharebongs.com official website.

Although they may look super cool, sometimes a big, expensive bong just simply isn’t worth it. Often, the more complex something looks, the more complicated it is to enjoy. Let's talk about the value of inexpensive but colorful bongs, compared to glass bongs that are several feet tall, super heavy and are not easily transported.

No matter how interesting they may appear to be, actually using an uber-expensive piece of glass can easily be more frustrating than rewarding. Where’s the fun in that? To help save you from spending an arm and a leg on something non-functional, we’ve broken down some of the biggest reasons why you should reconsider big expensive bongs. Plus, we’ll help you find the perfect piece of glass for you.

Poor Portability and Functionality
If you’ve ever looked at a monster bong and wondered, how does anyone smoke from that, you’re asking the right question. Extra-large bongs are incredibly difficult to maneuver, especially for the newer smoker. They take extra practice, and produce unbelievable amounts of smoke that can be difficult to handle.

Glass pieces that are difficult to handle are just asking to be broken or damaged too, so spending significant amounts of money on them simply doesn’t make sense. Just a simple bump or wrong grip and your expensive, large bong can be ruined in an instant.

A big bongs is not portable and does not provide a much better smoke session than a small portable galss bong.

Bearing this in mind, you also cannot bring your large bong with you for on-the-go smoke sessions or to a friend’s. Well, you can definitely try, but transporting your expensive piece of glass is a recipe for disaster. This means that you can really only use these bongs at home, yet they’ll still need to be handled with caution, just in case.

Higher Price ≠ Higher Quality
These glass bongs can get pretty elaborate but end up being more like sculptures rather than a smoke pipe.

Just because there’s a higher price tag on your bong doesn’t necessarily mean that it has been made with higher-quality materials. On the contrary, these bongs can be priced at super high points regardless of their quality, and simply for their eye-catching sizes. They price these monstrous bongs based off of a perceived value.

Because of that, glass blowers can often get away with making their pieces out of cheaper materials that aren’t meant to last the way a higher-quality, more compact bong would.

A quality bong should be about 7-10mm in thickness to ensure stability and durability. Bongs that hefty can be transported with ease and significantly less worry than your enormous, delicate one.

However, we’re not saying that all large expensive bongs are cheap. But still, even the masterfully crafted bongs make with wild designs are more like sculptures than actual water pipes. In the end, they are not able to filter smoke any better than any other bong.

It is highly likely that you’ll come across quite a few lower-quality ones at your local smoke shop if you’re not careful. Don’t take the gamble. Save your money and purchase a smaller, more functional bong that has both the quality and affordability you’re looking for. We promise, there are so many of them out there.

It Might Not be the Bong for You!
Simply put, just because these bongs are flashy and larger-than-life doesn’t mean they’ll be the piece for you. Over your smoking career, you’ll find yourself forming preferences over different shapes of bongs, their sizes, and their unique percolators. Some bongs will give you the smoking experience you desire, while others may not, totally unrelated to the herb you’re enjoying.

So, if you find yourself trying out a large, way-too-expensive bong and you’re just not a fan, that’s okay! Some bongs just may not be for you. That’s why it's crucial to take the time to find out what bongs you love the most (as well as the ones you want to avoid).

Pro Smoker Tip
"If you are a smoker trying to save your money, don't fall for the sales gimmicks of head shop owners trying to sell you over expensive crazy glass bongs. When all you really want is to get an awesome sesh in, just go for an inexpensive water pipe. Bongs are all about the water filtration, that's it."
