After a fire, clean your floors and walls.

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Professional Fire Damage Restoration

Fire damage restoration can be time-consuming and complicated, so it's best to leave it to the Professional Fire Damage Restoration. If you want to do it yourself, though, here are some pointers. First and foremost, you must clean your carpets and floors. If you have carpets, make sure you check the manufacturer's recommendations, as some carpets can shrink if they are shampooed. If you have the option of removing the carpet, cleaning it outside with a high-pressure hose to remove all of the dirt and soot is often a smart idea. Scrub the carpets using a sponge and a commercial rug shampoo, working in two-foot sections at a time. Use a brush with firm bristles if the soot is deeply embedded in the carpet. Rinse the carpet thoroughly with water, using the least quantity of water possible to avoid weakening the carpet backing.


To avoid damage to the carpet, dry it properly as soon as possible after it has been cleaned. If the damage was extensive, you may need to strip and refinish your hardwood flooring. If you have tiled floors, the fire is unlikely to have damaged them and you won't need to do anything. Your sole issue is that if the house was watered down to put out the fire, the water could have leak into the subflooring if the grout or tiles were fractured or missing.


Next, you'll notice that smoke and soot are extremely ubiquitous, with soot likely covering much of the walls and staining it in spots. Smoke restoration for walls can be relatively simple if the damage isn't severe. If the walls were painted with a satin or semi-gloss paint, the smoke would most likely not have penetrated any farther than the paint.
