Hacked or Leaked

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If one of your platforms is hacked or leaked, you can still access your data. To make life harder for hackers, do not depend on a single password.

 You can authenticate your identity using the mobile number of your phone

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 Secure your credential security by using secure passwords, "2FA" and other measures

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 Do not be lazy with passwords. Security Boulevard published an article by Ekaterina Kiryusheva, who is the director of the Information Security Analytics Research.

 Positive Technologies Group has made the observation that the recent increase in remote work because of the pandemic has been correlated with an increase in number of incumbents.

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 Phishing attacks, theft of credential

 She says that the rise is due to "poor hygiene of passwords". This article provides simple best practices and guidelines to help ensure the security of your passwords.

 Use different passwords for your various accounts

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 Hackers can gain easier access to sensitive information when they use the same password for every account regardless of whether it's social media or online banking.

 If one of your platforms is hacked or leaked, you can still access your data. To make life harder for hackers, do not depend on a single password.

