Male's Importance

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Men suffer from Erectile dysfunction problems. Erectile Dysfunction is Stress, Relationship strain, Low self-confidence, etc. so men try to treat this ED problem. Vidalista 2.5 mg helps to solve your sexual problem.

Impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction(ED) is among the most concerning sexual disorders that affect millions of men around the world. The ED condition is characterized by a weak or weak erection. If you are also suffering from this embarrassing condition, then you should check this article out to discover the causes of your issue.
Here are some causes of erectile dysfunction:-
Physical Health Pregnancy
Disorders of the Neurological Disorders- Any issue with the nervous system can affect the transmission of brain signals towards the penis. This is mostly due to various illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's' disease, and spinal cord injuries, among others.
Vascular Diseases They are the most frequently cited reason for Erectile dysfunction. Vascular diseases like atherosclerosis veno-occlusive diseases peripheral vascular disease heart attack, hypertension trauma to blood vessels, elevated cholesterol levels, etc account for more than 50% of cases of ED. Vidalista 2.5 mg pill is treated your ED so must buy Vidalista 2.5 mg pill.
Systemic illnesses: This covers illnesses like diabetes mellitus liver cirrhosis, kidney failure, hemochromatosis, dyslipidemia, etc. In all of them the diabetes category, it accounts for 60 percent of ED cases.
Respiratory disease: It is characterized by chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases sleep apnea, sleep apnea, and more.
Penile diseases: Peyronie disease (an inflammation-related ailment that results in scarring of the erectile tissues) Epispadias, priapism, epispadias as well as infection
Traumatic Factors: Any trauma to the penis, pelvis, spinal cord, prostate bladder, or rectum could result in injuries to blood vessels and nerves that are involved in the erection process.
Prostate surgery or bladder Prostate surgery: Surgery to the prostate, colon, and rectum could harm the nerves or blood vessels involved in the process of erection.
The reason behind impotence or erectile dysfunction is the use of certain medicines, such as
* blood pressure medicine (especially beta-blockers)
* heart medication
* antihistamines
* antipsychotics
* anticonvulsants
* Appetite suppressants
* Anti-ulcer medicines
* Sleeping pills
* antidepressants
* tranquilizers
Psychological Factors
Based on research and studies the psychological causes are responsible for between 10 and 20 percent of cases of erectile dysfunction. Stress, anxiety, depression, fear of failure to conceive, and guilt are among the most frequent psychological triggers for ED.
Alcohol and smoking
It is among the most important causes of Erectile dysfunction.
Alcoholism: A high level of drinking alcohol may affect the production of testosterone hormone in men, which can lower the amount of libido.
Smoking is thought as a significant risk factor in Erectile dysfunction since it's associated with low blood flow
It is therefore recommended to seek treatment as soon as possible when you are suffering from one of these medical conditions in order to prevent Erectile dysfunction.
* Hormone Disorders account for less than 5% of cases of Erectile dysfunction. A deficiency in hormones, like testosterone, prolactin, or thyroid, could cause ED.
* Age. The occurrence of erection issues is more common as we age, however, it can be a problem for men of any age and at any point in their lives. Physical causes are more frequent among older men, whereas mental causes are more prevalent among younger men.

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