The tomb system makes it pretty difficult to lose items nowadays

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The tomb system makes it pretty difficult to lose items nowadays, and also the new system being implemented will make it impossible, therefore it's fair to OSRS gold assume it'll keep on crashing. That's life to get a RuneScape participant, you either buy the good items when they are worth heaps and enjoy them (and end up losing money in the long term ) or wait eons for them to crash and purchase them really cheap when they're no more a novelty. Have a look at the Virtus wand + book for example, I paid well over 170M complete for mine. Do you understand how much they are worth now? Wand isn't even 20M. I guess it helps having better wands available today, but even before Seismic premiered Virtus was already slowly but steadily crashing. So I will try and reach 120 slayer. I will be aiming to find atleast 8M slayer xp every month. Anyone have any advice on which tasks I should block, what presets I need to put in my own bank, and anything I need to purchase as soon as possible? I generally use a Steel Titan on tasks, or even a Yak. Any advice on upgrades? Tasks I think I am doing wrong: Dagannoths- Should I do DKS instead of visiting the lighthouse? Is your Rush of Blood worth doing? Morvran's special slayer job? VIP tickets? Thanks in advance.

Since I've been asked to weight in, I will give you some advice. Subj robes/virtus, perverted employees or virtus wand/book. Bandos/torva and drygores or double chaotic rapiers. 1k+ sacred overloads. Having t80 assists alot more than t70, and t90 melee is an excellent investment. It is not worth extending jobs, skip any tasks which are slow or have very significant numbers (ie 115 iron dragons). Slay kril/dks in case you have boss job as them or need gp. Always attempt to have kree/kril or dks boss task to acquire bonus xp+reaper points. Have magic/range/slayer quick gear setups prepared, with melee/magic as 1 and 2 since you will use them . Use ultimate skills, they are worth it but watch hp using berserk. Use bonecrusher whereever possible unless gp is a problem, spring wash all things mithril.

I am no great shakes at battle but these are the things I believe to be quite great (not the best but they work well) Melee dual wield = rotate throughout the fundamentals of both Sever, Decimate, Slice, Punish, (in that order) and then use the thresholds Assault, Destroy, Slaughter (+ kick capability or proceed under the opponent if they're bigger than 1x1) in any sequence you prefer.

Double Fold Ranged: Cycle through the basics Fragmentation shot, Needle Strike, Piercing shot, Ricochet, then use thresholds Snapshot, Rapid Fire, Tight Bindings in almost any order. Bombardment works too if you have monsters near each other and have spare adrenaline. 2h Ranged: exact same as buy RS3 gold above but swap Needle Strike for Dazing shot.
