Cellair Technology Innovation (All in One System For Business)

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Cellair Technology Innovation is designed to control Inventory by tracking the number of products sold, specifically for businesses selling online and fixed shop or Warehouses. The fundamental functionality of inventory control is to add stock levels for products when you acquire new stock

Cellair Technology Innovation - Help people sell better. So they can have more freedom, in their business and in their life. 


Cellair Technology Innovation - Cloud-based inventory management software. Access your sales data and adjust inventory from anywhere in the world and on any device, with CellairTech cloud-based inventory management software.

Synchronise stock across multiple Warehouses or Branches

Save time and eliminate human error by synchronising your inventory levels across your sales channels, all from Cellairtech System centralised inventory management system.

Improve stock traceability

Have full visibility of your items regardless of where they are in the supply chain and save time in the event of a product recall, with Cellairtech System inventory Lot tracking functionality.

Make data-driven business decisions

Accurately report on inventory performance

With Cellairtech System inventory analytics tool you can extract meaningful insights from your data, in turn rectifying poor purchasing decisions and informing better marketing decisions for increased efficiency and profitability.

Predict the optimum time to reorder inventory

Using your daily average stock consumption, inventory lead times and product demand, Cellairtech inventory management software can anticipate the optimum time needed to reorder stock.

Anticipate sales demand with inventory forecasting

Ensure you have optimal inventory volumes at all times, even during peak sales periods, with Cellairtech stock forecasting capabilities which can specifically analyse your historical sales data and determine reorder points.

 List Sales Screen    Pos Screen  Purchase Screen   Manufacturing Screen adding Ingredients    Profit and Loss Report Sreen  

Cellairtech.com System is an innovative, multi-business system platform that helps many business owner to automate their key business processes, reduce costs and manage their entire selling operations from a single dashboard. 

Using Cellair Software Inventory Management, POS, Manufacturing, Reports as a central repository for all your stock helps to save time and money, achieve faster updates along with reducing the risks of overselling or over-ordering.


In order for Cellair Software to calculate certain financial data, for instance; profit, it needs an accurate measure of the Stock Value. Whilst it is possible to specify a stock value via Data Import, Cellair Software can also calculate the value as a dynamic property. This guide gives an overview and examples of what factors affect the stock value calculation.

Your inventory is extremely valuable to you and knowing how to value that inventory is really important as it will impact everything from your profit/loss statements, cost of goods sold, and the overall state of your finances. Stock Value is a dynamically calculated value that automatically keeps track of the cost of your stock. This is worked out from single unit cost i.e. Stock Value / Stock Level.  Note that Unit Cost is not simply a Purchase Price value. Unit cost is calculated based on the actual cost of stock rather than a fixed value. When it comes to evaluating your stock, Cellair Software needs to take into account specific stock movements or adjustments as they will affect the overall calculation. For example, when you acquire new stock through a purchase order Cellair Software will increase the stock value based on the value specified in the purchase order. When you sell or make any adjustments to the stock, Cellair Software will automatically recalculate your actual stock value based on the unit cost.

Definition of Terms

The following table defines some of the key terms used in the rest of this guide:



Purchase Price

The monetary value for an individual stock item when added to Cellair Software through a Purchase Order

Stock Level

The total stock-holding for an individual stock item in a specific Cellair Software Location

Stock Value

The calculated monetary total value based on the mean averaged or FIFO value of all units for an individual stock item in a specific Cellair Software Location

Unit Cost

The calculated monetary value for a single based on the mean averaged  or FIFO value of all units for an individual stock item in a specific Cellair Software Location, ie Stock Value / Stock Level

Calculating Stock Value

There are several ways to calculate stock level, and CellairTech.com uses either a Mean Average or FIFO method depending on what type of stock it's evaluating.

Mean Average

Cellair Software uses this valuation method for unbatched items and the value of an item is calculated as the average cost weighted by the quantities you have available in the warehouse. Unit cost as per mean average = ((Available Qty in stock * Average Unit Cost) + (Incoming Stock * Incoming Rate )) / (Available Qty in Stock + Incoming Qty)Stock Value as per mean average = Qty in Stock * Average Unit Cost

Example 1 - Stock value adjusted due to the delivery of a Purchase Order

  • Historical stock value is £90.00 with a stock level of 9
  • A PO is raised for 10 units with a unit price of £15.00
    • The new stock value is: £90.00 + (10 × £15.00) = £240.00
  • This makes the unit cost £12.63
    • Stock Value ÷ Stock Level (£240.00÷19)

Example 2 - Stock value adjusted due to stock reducing to 0 and subsequent manual adjustment

  • Stock Level is 10 and Stock Value is £100.00 based on historical changes from PO's and stock movement
  • Change Stock Level to 0, Stock Value automatically recalculates to £0.00
  • Change Stock Level to 5, Stock Value automatically recalculates to £50.00 based on historical data

Example 3 - Manual reset of Stock value to 0 stops recalculation of stock value due to manual stock level adjustments or sales

  • Stock item has quantity 10 and Value £50.00
  • Historical stock changes meaning that a change in Quantity will recalculate Value
  • Manually change the stock value in Cellairtech to £0.00, the quantity remains the same
  • Then, change Stock Level to 20, Stock Value will remain at £0.00 due to the stock value reset

Example 4 - Manually resetting Stock value from 0 to a value greater than 0 restarts stock value calculations

  • Stock level is 10 and Stock Value has been manually set to £0.00
  • Change Stock level to 20, Stock Value remains unchanged
  • Manually change Stock Value to £100.00, Stock Level remains the same
  • Change Stock Level to 10, Stock Value is recalculated to £50.00

Example 5 - Manual resetting stock value

  • Stock Level is 10 and Stock Value is £75.57 based on historical changes from PO's and Stock movement
  • Change Stock Level to 20, Stock Value automatically recalculates to £151.14
  • Change Stock Value to £175.00, Stock Level remains unchanged
  • Change Stock Level to 10, the stock value automatically recalculates to £87.50 due to a previous manual reset of Stock Value

FIFO (First In First Out)

Cellair Software uses this valuation method for Lot Number items.  If you operate your warehouse using a FIFO method, it is assumed that items that arrive in your warehouse first, are sold first. Hence, the stock value is calculated by summing the actual cost of the stock of an item, available in the warehouse. E.g. FIFO stock value = ( Qty1 * Unit Cost 1 ) + ( Qty2 * Unit Cost 2 ) + ...Where each set of parenthesises represents a single Lot Number.

Example 1 - Stock value adjusted due to the delivery of a Purchase Order

  • 01/04/2017 a PO is raised for 10 items with a Unit Cost of £12. This is Lot Number
  • 03/04/2017 a PO is raised for 5 items with a Unit Cost of £15. This is Lot Number2
    • Stock Value per FIFO = (10*12) + (5*15) = £195.00
  • Stock level is 15 and Stock Value is £195 (Across all Lot Numbers)
  • 10/04/2017 a Sale is made of 12 items.
  • Using FIFO, all 10 items are taken from Lot Number1, and 2 are taken from Lot Number2
  • The Stock Value for the remaining stock (3 items) is 3*15 = £45, as all remaining stock is from Lot Number


Inventory Lot Number Tracking allows you to group multiple units of a stock item, assign them a unique Lot No. and ship your orders by Lot Numbers. Even though using this functionality will require extra effort and/or level of management, the use of Inventory Lot No. Tracking within your Business will allow for a much more sophisticated Inventory management system.


Inventory Lot Number Tracking- When and Why use it? 

Lot Numbers are really useful for businesses who use FIFO (First In First Out) in their inventory flow. Sellers who stock perishable products use FIFO to keep their inventory fresh and ensure the oldest products on the shelf are the first to ship out. Separating stock into batches is mainly seen in the pharmaceutical food/beverages industry. Medicines and perishable goods produced in a particular Lot Number are assigned a unique Number, therefore this helps the seller track their manufacturing and expiry dates for all the units produced under specific Lot Number.Inventory Lot Number tracking is also useful for business that has to adhere to government regulations that require then to maintain accurate records for each Lot Number purchase and sale (i.e. medical supplies, fireworks, chemical supplies, pharmaceuticals, etc.). The Cellair Software Lot Number functionality also generates a comprehensive audit trail of stock changes and will accurately track each individual item sold, received or returned. Likewise, many other businesses including those in the apparel, textile, and building supply industry also use Lot Number. In these industries, instead of tracking expiry dates and Lot Number for recall purposes, batch numbers are tracked with regards different textiles and products in which identification of specific coloration is an important part of product tracking.The use of Lot Number items has benefits mentioned above, although using Inventory Lot Number Tracking adds a whole extra layer of Inventory Management, that will require further care to implement correctly.

Defining Batch Numbers

Lot Number is an identification number assigned to a Lot Number of items. It may contain information such as manufacturers code, production date, sell by and expire dates, etc. A batch number facilitates identification of items and is useful for tracking purposes (as long as the Lot Number are unique. Their use provides you with the freedom and flexibility to track all of your stock quickly and easily since you receive it, right through to after-sale care.Following this concept, a common user-assigned practice is using Expire dates, Sell By dates to items, so the oldest items can be picked from your available stock first (FIFO).

Multiple Racks Locations

The purpose of this page is to walk through the basics of multiple Rack locations within your warehouse so that warehouse becomes more accessible, items are easy to locate, lesser effort and time consuming.   Managing your warehouse and different locations is not an easy task and multiple racks locations can be another strategy for establishing effectiveness and Inventory Lot Tracking. This Cellairtech.com functionality will allow you to do so, store the same product in different Racks at one warehouse (Location) Although it is possible to set Different statuses from the same SKU/ Lot of items within the same rack location this is strongly not recommended for a smart inventory management as it would be easily possible to pick an item of the wrong status, Eg. selecting an expired item instead of an available item.

Defining Bin/Rack Locations

Bin / Rack Location effectively is the slot position on the shelf where the item is located and would be used when picking items for orders or booking stock in. This method, multiple Bin / Rack locations, aims to improve and facilitate daily transactions, the picking process and any inventory management.

Best practices

Determining the most efficient products and systems for storing inventory such as Bins, shelves, racks or bulk racking have a significant impact on the flow of your products, shelf lives, and ease of retrieval. Stocking strategies, as well as the quality of the item at the time of issue, play a central role in determining success.

Location names exist so you know where to put stuff and where stuff is put. A location name doesn't need to be too complicated or cryptic. If you have lots of locations, bins, large rooms, or large storage areas, then this will help you organise your thinking on how to name location. If an item can be stored somewhere, that "somewhere" must have a name, and it should be labelled with that name. If it doesn’t, time will be wasted looking for things, people will stock things in the wrong place, locations will get referred to by more than one name, and your inventory will be in a constant drift toward disorganisation. So to minimise your waste of time with some of these tasks of allocating items here you can find recommendations on how to sort and label your Bin Racks.

Stock Item Types

This page will define and explain the different types of stock items that you can sell through Cellairtech.com as well as their peculiarities

 Different business buy and sell different items that you can find in your Inventory. Thus, these items can be divided in 3 different types of stock: Basic Stock Items, Composite Stock Items and Variation Groups. 

Basic Stock items

A basic stock item is a stock item that describes a physical item that you are selling. Commonly, it will include details about the item such as price, physical dimensions, title and stock level. Stock Items can also include item specifics stored as extended properties, like size, colour or material.

There are two different basic stock items: Batched or Unbatched, depending on what information is linked to them.

  • Unbatched Items - Every basic stock item will be set as Unbatched item by Default. 
  • Batched Items - Batched items are defined as such when they have been linked to a specific and unique Batch No. Batched items can have a Sell By date, Expire On date or a Priority Sequence assigned to them. When an order for a batched item is made, the order will show the batch information in the items tab.  For more information about batched items, please see our dedicated documentation here. 

Composite Stock Item

Composites items do not correspond to a single physical item, but are virtual items that describe a collection or set. For instance; if you sell garden furniture, there will be a stock item for a table and a stock item for a chair. A composite item can then be created that is a set of garden furniture, a table and 4 chairs. This composite item would then be either listed to a channel or mapped to an existing listing. When an order for a composite item is made, the order will show the order items that make up that composite in their correct quantities.

Please remember that composite items cannot be converted into a batched item although a Composite could contain any type of stock items as child items: Unbatched, Batched and/or composite items.

Please Note! Although Cellairtech.com allows you to make composites containing composites, this is bad practice and may lead to unexpected results and loss of performance. Please try and ensure children of composites contain only basic stock items

By default, the stock level of a composite item is calculated by the availability of the child items. Variation Groups

Variation Groups are stock items that still have an item number, Variation SKU, and a title, variation Name. They are designed to be a generic container for a type of stock item. For instance, if you sold t-shirts, each t shirt combination of size and colour will have a separate stock item, but each of these can be added to a variation group. This variation group can then be listed as a single listing where the customer can choose the appropriate colour and size. This greatly reduces the number of listings needed to advertise your products.


Stock Level Measures

Cellairtech.com can track multiple stock level measures for the same item, to measure stock performance Cellairtech.com will consider: How much physical stock is in the warehouse? How much of it is in Open Orders? How much is coming into the warehouse? Were any stock items resend or damaged? The answers to these questions can be encapsulated in a number of different stock measurements:

Stock Levels

Physical Stock Level

The amount of items you have in your warehouse which is expressed as a quantity and/or value.  Recording stock levels is also beneficial to the accounts department which makes regular demands to logistics about reducing stock levels in order to maintain a healthy balance sheet.

Note: Each stock item can have multiple stock levels as the concept of multiple locations allows you to have multiple stock levels for the same product. Each location in effect tracks a stock level independently. Also, please remember you can have stock item composition (packs, bunches, combinations...) a stock item which consists of or includes other stock items.

In Order Level

How many of that item that has been assigned to open orders. 

Financially speaking frame the demand, or demand value, against a timeline allows you to analyse if the demand for a specific material is increasing or declining over time. This information allow you to identify fast or slow moving items and proactively respond to changes in demand to replenish spares or discontinue obsolete items.

On Order Level

How many are expected to be received from supplier following placed purchase order.

Available Level

The physical stock level minus the In Order level.

Stock Control Software

Have complete visibility of your stock levels and stock movements, saving you valuable time, reducing costs and increasing productivity with Cellairtech System Stock Control Software.

Keep costs to a minimum

Keep constant track of your stock quantity, value and movements, in order to ensure you’re holding the minimum amount of stock possible so you don't overstock, significantly reducing the costs involved with storing inventory.

Have full control over your stock levels

With your inventory levels accurately updated each time you make a sale across your Shop platform and online marketplaces, you can significantly reduce the chances of experiencing a stock out and selling more than you have available, with Cellairtech.com’ trusted Stock Control Software.

Improve the traceability of your inventory

Cellairtech.com Lot Number tracking functionality provides you with greater oversight of your inventory and allows you to track which stock you sold and to whom, saving you countless hours and drastically simplifying the process in the event of a product recall.

Reduce product wastage with effective stock control

Avoid product spoilage and increase profitability by tracking and prioritising your products by their expiration date. Have more control over your stock levels by tracking the status of every Lot Number, ensuring they are sold before they become obsolete or damaged.

Make better use of your warehouse space

Assign your stock to multiple bin racks, allowing you to make more efficient use of your warehouse space. Strategically store your inventory to speed up your picking, packing and dispatch process, significantly the productivity of your warehouse team.

Quickly resolve stock discrepancies

Maintain a complete history of all stock movements within your warehouses and have instant access to the full audit trail, allowing you to resolve any stock discrepancies quickly and efficiently with Cellairtech.com Software Stock Control Software.

We help you sell better. So you can have more freedom, in your business and in your life. Cellairtech.com System connects and automates all the different parts of your selling processes, which means you can spend less time on order processing, labels, picking, packing and spreadsheets, and more time leading your business.


 No more spreadsheets - Eliminate the manual tasks associated with Business selling, with automated Inventory Management Software. Prevent overselling avoid disappointing your customers and scale your business withour error. Cellairtech has given you more control over our Inventory Management System, so you can spend more time growing your business.



  1. Cellairtech workers or staffs can see the transaction of the business who subscribed at cellairtech?

No Cellairtech cannot trace or see any transaction of the business subscribed at cellairtech.com

  1. How you managed the data of the businesses who subscribe at cellairtech.com?

Cellairtech.com we partner at Amazon S3 for data backup and hosting a very realiable hosting company managing more than 12,000 businesses around the globe. And we normally back up data weekly for our hosting provider. And we back up daily at Amazon S3.

  1. What is a SKU?

Stock Keeping Units, known also as SKUs, refer to a code that is used by retailers to categorise and track inventory. SKU’s typically consist of an alphanumeric combination and are entirely unique to the business. They should not be mistaken with Universal Product Codes (UPC’s).

  1. Does Cellairtech support multiple warehouse/Branch locations?

Cellairtech has the functionality to handle multiple warehouse/branch locations, enabling you to manage different stock levels for the same item in different locations.

  1. Does Cellairtech support expiry dates and Lot tracking?

Yes. Shop retail or wholesale/manufacturing will be able to assign Lot Number to products within Cellairtech System and both track and prioritise these Lot Numbers by their expiration or sell-by dates or Manufactured.

  1. What is inventory management software?

Inventory management software is, by definition, a digital system that enables businesses of all sizes to track inventory levels, orders, sales and deliveries.

Most advanced inventory systems will connect and automate all the different parts of the selling process, so that you can increase efficiency, have complete oversight of your stock, and save time to focus on growing your business.

Typically, inventory management software is used to avoid both product overstock and stock outs and users of such a system benefit from total control over their inventories.

What are the benefits of inventory management software?

Automate tasks and increase business efficiency – The best inventory management systems will automate many of your day-to-day tasks and simplify many more. It eliminates the need to spend time manually tracking inventory. In fact, by automating these selling tasks, you eliminate the risk of human error and save countless hours.

Identify trends and forecasting – Inventory management software can analyse the patterns and rates at which you buy and sell inventory, while telling you how much to purchase and when. This helps to ensure you have enough products in stock and aren’t ordering more than your warehouse can store. It also enables you to reorder items before they sell out.

Reduce the risk of overselling – Inventory management software greatly reduces the risk of overselling, by synchronising your inventory across all selling channels and automatically adjusting stock levels on each. By automating your inventory control, you prevent overselling, overstocking and product outages. This in turn results in fewer financial losses and strengthens the reputation of your company as you will be able to provide a better service to your customers.

Make better business decisions – By analysing sales data and identify top performing channels, products and markets, you can make more profitable decisions. Analysing historical sales data specifically enables you to identify customer buying patterns and seasonal trends, so you can anticipate stock demand and prepare your business accordingly. Some inventory management systems will also allow you to see the stock consumption for any item, in any given time period.

Maintain high levels of customer satisfaction – Inventory management software greatly reduces your time to fulfilment. In fact, it allows you to ensure fast-selling products are in stock and fulfil orders immediately.


  1. Is there a POS of Cellairtech? Yes A point of sale system, or POSis theplace where your customer makes a payment for products or services at your store. Simply put, every time a customer makes a purchase at your store, they're completing a point of sale transaction.


Key Features of Cellair Technology Innovation:

  1. Multiple Business/Shops: 
    • Set up multiple businesses in the application.
    • No restriction on numbers of businesses.
    • Inventory accounting information is kept separately for each business.
  2. Add Location / WareHouse: 
    • Create multiple locations for your business/shop
    • Manage all of them at the same time.
    • Stocks, Purchases, Sell can be tracked differently for locations.
    • Customize invoice layout, invoice scheme for each location
  3. User Role Management: 
    • Powerful user and role management system
    • Predefined roles – Admin Cashier
    • Create different Roles with permission as per your need.
    • Create unlimited users with different roles.
  4. Contacts (Customer Suppliers):
    • Mark contact as customer or supplier or both(customer Supplier)
    • View details of transactions with a contact.
    • View total of Credit/Debit balance amount 
    • Define pay term and get payment alerts week before the due date.
  5. Products: 
    • Manage Single Variable products.
    • Classify products according to Brands, Category, Sub-Category.
    • Add products having different units
    • Add SKU number or auto-generate SKU number with prefixes.
    • Get stock alerts on low stock.
    • Save time by auto calculating selling price, the system is smart to auto calculate selling price based on purchase price and profit margin.
    • No need to type variations every time, create variation template and use it everytime you need to create variable products.
  6. Purchases:
    • Easily add purchases.
    • Add purchase for different locations.
    • Manage Paid/Due purchases.
    • Get Notified of Due purchases week before the pay date.
    • Add discounts Taxes
  7. Sell:
    • Simplified interface for selling products
    • Default Walk-In-Customer automatically added to a business
    • Add new customer from POS screen.
    • Ajax based selling screen – save reloading time
    • Mark an invoice for draft or final
    • Different options for payments
    • Customize invoice layout and invoice scheme.
  8. Manage Expenses:
    • Easily add business expenses
    • Categorise expenses 
    • Analyse expenses based on category and business locations with expenses report.
  9. Reports: 
    • Purchase Sale report
    • Tax Report
    • Contact Reports
    • Stock Reports
    • Expense Report
    • View Trending Products, drill down by Brands, Category, Sub-category, Units and date ranges
    • Expense Reports
    • Cash Register Report
    • Sales Representative report
  10. Other useful feature:
      • Set currency, timezone, financial year, the profit margin for a business.
      • Translation ready.
      • Predefined barcode sticker settings.
      • Create your barcode sticker setting
      • Manage Brands, Tax Rate Tax groups, Units, Category Sub-Category
      • Detailed documentation
      • Stock Adjustment
      • Express Checkout
  11. Manufacturing Modules
  12. Essentials Modules


 How to Start using Cellair Technology Innovation System:


First Register your Business here: https://cellairtech.com/business/register

after your register keep your: user name and password and used to login here: Cellairtech.com

and use our 60days trial. for any question email us: info@cellairtech.com 

we are available for custom works to met your requirements.
