The Installation for the Poe Growth is Meta

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The installation for the POE Currency growth is meta.


The installation for the POE Currency  growth is meta. Effectively, your fellow Exiles have won the war to the Atlas, but are now themselves a danger to Wraeclast. In response, Zana has sealed them away in the Atlas, but while in there the Exiles continue to grow stronger and could possibly return. Specifics are unknown, but it is apparent that we will face those Exiles -- who have gone mad from exposure to the void -- at some stage in Conquerors of the Atlas.

Grinding Gear Games is charging Conquerors of the Atlas as a full endgame expansion, with a new section of story to follow, major adjustments to the endgame supervisors, and a few important tweaks to the Atlas itself. Effectively, this expansion is a timeline where a band of Exiles defeated the Atlas and climbed angry through its maps for much more energy right? In this alternate world, it's your choice to deal with the aftermath and clean up those Exiles that are corrupted. Although the fifth replaces the Shifter boss fight four of these will be on par with all the Elder boss fight.

To do so, you are going to venture into a kind of this Atlas at which you'll begin from the centre of the Atlas map rather than in its corners. As you might have guessed, this means the Zana questline has been completed, meaning you'll have a brand new quest to chase in the Atlas that's set immediately after the pursuit of this Shaper and Elder through the Atlas.

In Conquerors of this Atlas there'll be eight map zones and you can efficiently prestige each one by playing its own maps, tracking down the area's boss, defeating them, and getting a Watchstone. Socket a Watchtone and you can update areas of this map, which is fantastic since it means you can update some lower-tier maps outside of their standard level. It's pretty complicated, so here is a breakdown of how the Atlas will work.

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