4 Features of Washing Machine

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Washing machines are available with a variety of controls and displays. Bear the following in mind when making your choice


Owning a washing machine is no longer considered a luxury. More and more people are choosing to buy washing machines in order to get their laundry done within the shortest amount of time in the most convenient way. But do you know washing machine features?

Drum Size

Drum size is an important consideration as it can impact upon performance, efficiency and ease of use. Consider the following when making your choice:

As a guide to capacity, we recommend taking 1kg to be enough space for one complete outfit (a top, bottoms and underwear).

Washing machines are at their efficient best when operating with a full load. For this reason, high-capacity drums are best suited to the homes of large, busy families.

Washing machine drum sizes range from around 5Kg all the way up to 16Kg. Try to establish just how much space you will need before making a purchase.


The Energy Star Rating and WELS (Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme) rate washing machines according to how much water and energy they use.

WELS labels show a zero to six-star rating. The more stars a washing machine has, the more water efficient it is.

The Energy Star Rating label gives a star rating (out of 10) of the model's energy efficiency. It also states energy consumption (usually kilowatt hours per year) as an estimate of the annual energy consumption.

Efficient washing machines may require a greater outlay, but they can save you over the course of the product’s lifespan.

Washing Machine Controls

Washing machines are available with a variety of controls and displays. Bear the following in mind when making your choice:

Entry-level washing machines are likely to have mechanical dials and knobs. Uncomplicated and easy-to-use, they are more than adequate for any and every home.

Digital touch controls won’t improve performance but they can add a more modern look and feel to your home. They may also enable you to control your appliance with greater accuracy.

Models with an LCD display ensure you always know what is happening with your machine. Check program settings, cycle duration and more with a quick glance at the screen.


The number and variety of programs featured on a washing machine can help you enjoy the best results with minimal involvement.

A washing machine with a ‘hand wash’ function enables you to launder practically any item so you don’t have waste any time at the sink.

Similarly, washing machines with ‘sportswear’ programs can help you achieve the best results for specialised work out gear.

Many washing machines come with adjustable spin speed settings. Washing machines that have spin speeds in excess of 1600 rpm will enable you to get your clothes ready quickly.

A washing machine is one of the most important appliances in the home Owning a washing machine is no longer considered a luxury. More and more people are choosing to buy washing machines. We hope this article helped you choose the correct washing machine for your requirements. Stay tuned to zjnanyangmotor for information about Semi Automatic Spin Motor

