Reasons to use stone paper notebooks

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Reasons to use stone paper notebooks

Reasons to use stone paper notebooks

People are often surprised to hear that someone is making notebooks from stone. Is that really possible, or is it just a marketing trick? Let’s look deeper how it works and why it might become your new investment.Get more news about Waterproof Stone Paper Notebook Cheap Envelopes,you can vist our website!

100% tree free solution
In order to produce a metric ton of traditional wood pulp papers, an average of four metric tons of wood chips is utilized. That is the equivalent of felling approximately 23 large trees. Despite that it’s only one of several environmental costs of using traditional wood pulp paper. So what is all the stone paper fuss about?
Stone paper consists of 2 ingredients: calcium carbonate and high density polyethylene. Calcium carbonate stems from the exploitation of stone quarry or strip mines. The good news is that stone paper consists entirely out of waste and recycled material and therefore has a much lower impact on the environment and there are no trees cut during stone paper production.

Not a drop of water
A key motivation to the design of waterless papermaking technology comes from the Roca stone paper team’s passion to do everything possible for environmental protection. More than 5 years ago our team started to produce ESQUOIA – reusable notebooks. And now we expand the environmentally friendly paper line with paper that does not need a drop of water to produce.
During the production of 1 ton of wood pulp paper there are about 2.770 liters of water loss. This gigantic number means that with one ton of stone paper this amount of water is saved for better purpose.
Roca stone papermaking process does not emit toxic gas. As prevention is better than solution, designing a production process to prevent discharge of toxic gas in the first place is clearly the more efficient and effective method than having to manage the toxic gas later. During the production of 1 ton of stone paper instead of wood pulp, you save the amount of CO2 that would be expended on a journey of 4.520 km by car. Of course, most like we will not consume a ton of any paper any time soon, but you know how they say – A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

The only downside of stone paper is that it’s a little bit heavier than standard paper. Depends on a cover type, but your notebook might be around 1,5 times heavier than a casual notebook. Some people see it as a disadvantage and some relate it’s weight with something more solid and reliable.

Final thoughts
Despite the fact that there are 3 arguments in this article there are actually many more things to consider when you are thinking of going green with stone paper. The magic word is user experience. Stone paper notebooks are durable, water resistant and at the same time they are tear resistant (it’s difficult to tear stone paper, it feels as if you were tearing latex). So at the end of the game it’s you who decide whether this product fits your needs or not, but information is always what makes it easier to decide. Check out Roca stone paper test VIDEO’s and think of taking this unique opportunity to go GREEN:
