Why Coinbase-backed Worldcoin is Unlikely to Succeed

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Why Coinbase-backed Worldcoin is Unlikely to Succeed

There is a new cryptocurrency in the works that has the backing of some of the biggest names in tech. Worldcoin is the startup behind the upcoming crypto project, and the founding team includes the former head of the Silicon Valley business incubator Y Combinator, Sam Altman. Additionally, the list of investors behind the project includes Andreessen Horowitz, LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, and the venture arm of Coinbase.
  According to comments made to Bloomberg, Altman's involvement in Worldcoin stems from his more general interest in universal basic income (UBI) and the future of wealth redistribution. The basic premise, at least based on what we know so far, is to create a new cryptocurrency from scratch that gives coins to every single human on earth (if they want them). To help guard against fraud in the initial distribution of coins (and perhaps other aspects of the cryptocurrency network), Worldcoin wants to use an iris-scanning hardware device to confirm that each user is a unique person.To get more news about coinbase, you can visit wikibit.com official website.
  The case for Worldcoin
  So, what's the case for Worldcoin's upcoming cryptocurrency? Angel investor and podcaster Jason Calacanis shared his thoughts on the topic during Tuesday's edition of This Week in Startups. In his remarks, Calacanis covered some of the issues he sees with Bitcoin (BTC) and how Worldcoin's eventual offering may be able to bring some improvements.
  “Right now Bitcoin is so toxic and feels like a multi-level [marketing] scam because you have FOMO (the fear of missing out) because you know somebody like myself who bought in for under USD 100,” said Calacanis. “And everybody has to convince the next group of bagholders or participants (depending on how you want to frame the crypto project); you have to convince them to buy in. And you have to take this leap of faith, and it starts to feel like a Madoff Ponzi scheme where the new people coming in are doing it for the benefit of the people who got in early and that is scary.”
  Calacanis went on to point to the bear market following the then all-time high bitcoin price of nearly USD 20,000 in December 2017 and the more recent drop from the all-time high of roughly USD 65,000 hit in April of this year as further examples of how Bitcoin can, in his view, be toxic and scary. While Calacanis pointed out there are a number of different ways in which Worldcoin could fail to achieve their goals, he also sees the potential for the startup to create a serious competitor to BTC.
  “This seems to me to be a way to restart the crypto ecosystem with a level playing field,” said Calacanis. “The game will be started anew. Just like when a new social network comes out, there are a group of people who get to take the top slots in that social network . . . Every time a new social network emerges, some group of popular people get some of the top slots, but some of the top slots open up for new inventory . . . Every new medium gives a chance for the top 100 [or] top 1,000 to be resorted, if you will. And that is really exciting. The new medium here is a cryptocurrency.”
  Calacanis pointed to Clubhouse, a social network based on voice, as the most recent example of new people gaining status by being early adopters of a new social media platform.
  “This, to me, seems like a brilliant idea, and I will be watching this like a hawk,” Calacanis continued. “And we've always said that a better project will come along that could challenge the other projects. This happens in every technology. For some reason, the Bitcoin people in their toxicity, in their multi-level marketing, you know, worst moments are saying there will never be a replacement for Bitcoin . . . The fact that they don't believe there could ever be another [cryptocurrency] is proof of how they are part of this multi-level marketing cult.”
  Near the end of his Worldcoin segment, Calacanis put the chances of Worldcoin taking the wind out of Bitcoin's sails at anywhere from one in a thousand to one in a million. However, this was seemingly more of an on-the-spot, throwaway line than a serious, thought-out prediction.
I strongly disagree with Calacanis's criticisms of Bitcoin, but I'd like to keep the focus on the supposed value proposition of Worldcoin. Needless to say, Calacanis is free to sell his BTC if holding it is too scary for him.
  It's possible that Calacanis is mistaking the conviction in predictions made by some Bitcoin users as toxicity. Maybe these Bitcoin users simply know something Calacanis does not know.
