Path of Exile's Battle Royale mode returns as a weekend treat

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GGG has compiled a complete guide on Royale mod, which contains all the details about how it differs from POE.

As game developers have done for many years, Grinding Gear Games made a stupid battle royale mode for Path of Exile in 2018 as an April Fool's joke. GGG stated that this is a "quick and dirty job" and there is no specific game to balance itself, but it is so popular that they decided to relaunch it as a one-time cheating day event. Path of Exile: The Royale will be live from today to Sunday, and will appear every weekend in the upcoming expansion cycle. Winner Loya Meal!

POE: R can hold up to 100 King Islands players to participate in a 15-minute GGG game. This is a PvPvE setting, so you will try to kill animals and other players, starting with your main character and some input devices. Like other battle royale games, the playing field shrinks over time, and the storm will damage the players who stay inside. If you can win GGG, you will open the decorations of the Roja holiday for your hiding place. The more you win, the bigger and more effective the POE Currency will be.

GGG has compiled a complete guide on Royale mod, which contains all the details about how it differs from POE. The skill tree has been changed, and details such as the life bottle have also been changed. Unlike the original Battle Royale mode, GGG stated that they spent more development time in the new version and plan to make adjustments based on player feedback. "We plan to play a lot with you, carefully observe people's experiences and make changes if necessary. Unlike the main game, there is no balance change that eliminates the character risk, so there will be minor changes every week.

 "Also we really don't know. This is an experiment for us. We want a path of exile: the royal has a long-term future, and the number of people in the office is waiting for us. The weekly internal game tests make us feel" Very optimistic, but we must wait and see. It is expected to be updated at the end of 3.15. "GGG said that the royal mode will be available every weekend, except for the weekend when the expansion loop is released. It is currently available on PC from this Sunday to midnight Pacific Daylight Time, but not on the console. Buy POE Currency can unlock more powerful skill.
