Who Is the Real Stupid??? (bobo or ugok) Leni o Mocha

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PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte on Tuesday said he would not resign and allow Vice President Maria Leonor “Leni” Robredo to succeed him, calling her “incompetent.”

“Siya ang mag-presidente (She becomes president)? Look, I will not resign because it will make her president. My resignation is addressed to the people para makapili sila ng gusto nila (so they can choose whoever they want). Siya, I don’t think she can ever be ready to govern my country. Reason? Incompetence,” Duterte told reporters after a speaking engagement in Pampanga.

Duterte reversed himself after saying last week he was willing to step down as president once a new constitution was in place, and that Robredo could replace him.


Vice President Maria Leonor ‘Leni’ Robredo

On Tuesday, Duterte said of Robredo: “She is not capable of running a country like this – the Philippines.”
