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A small number of buffaloes graze now and again in all the freshly farmed paddy fields along side the road. The street is area of a project through Yunnan Provincial Smoke Monopoly Governing administration (company) to assist you to Longchuan Local. The cutting edge road comes with surrounded acknowledge that there are farmland about Husa villagers and additionally brought all the hope about lifting achang people out from poverty.

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Along all the broad STATE road throughout the hussa township to make sure you fine town, see "color Newport Cigarettes Carton Cheap sibling farmhouse" lgt box, travelled to the place of kang Tuan Weng.

Around kang Tuanweng's family home sits a fabulous newly picked up tractor, with home grown vegetables growing on the yard.

Six long ago, Kang tuanweng and additionally his wife needed leave just for work as their gross income right from planting 10 mu about rice was underneath 4, 000 yuan.
