WoW: Account with 100 million gold banned

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WoW: Account with 100 million gold banned

A WoW account of the "Azeroth Sales Community" was recently permanently banned. In one fell swoop, over 100 million gold was no longer accessible. As the reason for the ban, Blizzard cites a new rule in the World of Warcraft usage agreements that has not yet been communicated to the outside world. The affected player is therefore very angry. Especially since other accounts received a warning first.To get more news about cheap wow tbc gold, you can visit lootwowgold official website. What would you do if Blizzard gave your WoW account a permanent ban penalty out of nowhere and cited a change in the user agreement that has not yet been communicated to the outside world as the reason? The WoW player Ghormor is currently struggling with just such a case. In one very extensive reddit post he recently documented the case. In the following we have summarized the most important things for you.

Ghormor is the head of the "Azeroth Sales Community", which has been offering boost services for gold on numerous WoW servers for two years. Recently, one of Ghormor's accounts was permanently banned, on which over 100 million gold of the "Azeroth Sales Community" was stored. In the past, there have been frequent reports of this account because many players equate low-level advertising spamming characters with real money sales. So far, the penalties have always been lifted after a ticket and a subsequent investigation. In the current case, however, a GM from Blizzard stated that the user agreements have recently been changed: WoW accounts that are used solely for boost advertising in commercial chat are now banned. Since this is the case here, there is a permanent ban on the account. All readers receive daily free news, articles, guides, videos and podcasts on World of Warcraft, Pokémon Go and other favorite games. So far we have financed this site through advertising and kept it as free of paid items as possible, but since COVID-19 this has become increasingly difficult. Many companies are cutting or cutting their advertising budgets for 2020. Budgets that we are unfortunately dependent on if we want to offer buffed free of charge in the usual form in the future.

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