How to stream games on Twitch from an Android phone

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How to stream games on Twitch from an Android phone

In recent years, mobile gaming has seen a massive increase in popularity, with major releases such as Fortnite, PUBG, Call of Duty and even EvE Online getting mobile versions. Phones are also becoming more and more powerful each year, with more RAM and features such as high refresh rate screens and cooling systems becoming the norm. To get more news about moonlive, you can visit official website. 500X423-1.jpg If your phone is your main gaming platform, it’s only natural that you might want to stream your gameplay on Twitch as well. After all, PCs and consoles have been doing it for years, so why not phones?

This article is going to show you how to easily start streaming your mobile gaming sessions on Twitch. All you need is your phone and an internet connection.Don’t get us wrong, we all enjoy watching Twitch on our phones, and the official Twitch app is by far the best way to do it. When it comes to streaming mobile games, however, the app is not going to help.

Despite the feature being requested for years, Twitch still doesn’t offer their users the option to live stream their phone screens using the app. It’s definitely possible to use it for an IRL stream, since the app allows you to stream footage from either your phone’s front or back camera, but that’s about it. Step 1: Install the Streamlabs app The first step in your journey as a mobile games streamer will be to install the Streamlabs app. We’ve included a picture of the app on the PlayStore below so that you don’t accidentally download a clone, although at the moment of writing this article there don’t really seem to be any. Step 2: Log in with your Twitch account When you first open the app, it will prompt you to log in with either a Twitch, Facebook or YouTube account. That’s because Streamlabs allows you to stream to more than just one platform. Step 3: Choosing a camera and a screen source After logging into your Twitch account, the app changes orientation to landscape mode and presents you with this screen: Make sure both options are checked if you want to have a facecam during the stream. If you don’t want your face visible, just leave the Camera option unchecked. Don’t worry too much, you can change both of these settings later anyway.

Step 4: Permissions Now, depending on which version of Android you’re running, you’ll be greeted with a pop-up informing you that Streamlabs will start capturing everything that’s being displayed on your screen.

This is perfectly normal, since that’s how the app is able to stream your gameplay online. Click Start Now (and feel free to check the “Don’t show again” box if you don’t want to encounter this warning every time you open Streamlabs).

If you’ve added a Camera Source during the previous step, Streamlabs will also ask you for permission to take pictures and record video. You need to choose the Allow option if you want to be able to include a facecam. Step 5: Setting up your stream layout and going live Now that the app has all the necessary permissions, it’s time to configure it so that your stream looks the exact way you want it to.

NOTE: If you’ve checked both the Camera and Screen options in the Choose Sources menu, you might be surprised to see that your phone camera is currently taking over your screen and covering up the gameplay. The following steps will show you how to fix that!
