Runescape Duel arena 1v1's Elo System Concept

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This could be great to help folks learn to pk. Much like LMS even with all the suggested active/deactivate along side, people will still prefer one over the other and wait for that one to RS gold come about. Want more options for non hybrid battling imo. Styles can be changed each year this was exactly what I'd like to see in a year. It might breathe life into pking fashions not frequently done as far as they used to but are still skilful and competitive. Every setup looks fine to me, even though this won't get anywhere I'll just mention that people use mystics on primary fights so that you get penalized for getting the wrong equipment / beg on even more, ahrims giving melee personal stats.

No you just get penalized for attempting to mage, it's literally only better to bolt rather than use mystics without occult. I understand this works because lms base gear works the same manner. And I'm pretty sure in that current pvp tourney they utilized ahrims and occult and individuals were splashing all around the area. That is why people only nh stake vs people they are worse compared to them (obviously the people that are worse don't know this, or are attempting to prove themselves), it's pointless otherwise.

And unless you make it so you can't step under brid, then the fight is even more based on mage rng, which is the reason why mystics is even more assists cause you dash along with your opponent manages to grab - and that wins the battle cause he abuses step under mechanics. And I don't care what you say about the other setups, even in the event that you believe mystics is fine, that zerk hybrid setup is seriously something no one on the planet would ever use - not if they wanted to actually ko anyone, and if you wanted to outlast you'd fall some of the switches for meals.

If you take out ahrims you are still going to be having greater mage defence which results in same amount of splashing, only way you'd get penalized for maging in mystics if you time your attacks wrong or actually get unlucky. Most of the time the greater brid / nher would acquire and there's no way you can remove rng from RS, that's just how Runescape is. And dding is part of nhing as well I don't enjoy it but it does add to the fights. I've nh staked lots and I have never had that numerous issues with maging. If something I have noticed more problems come into play when people take ahrims out / occult. In the end for the hybrid loadouts it is irrelevant because you both enter the battle with same installments so you're on equal footing. DDS is great because it actually makes you think how to outplay your opponent to get the specs.

Yep most of the time the better man wins - you still lose your money although if you lost to rng, nobody enjoys measure below but everybody does it because it makes the struggle piss simple for 20 seconds, especially in the event that you own pid and super especially in the event that you've got better ping. Guess you're right about the loadouts for buy OSRS gold the most part as you would both end up in precisely the same equipment anyway - but it doesn't alter the simple fact that if that minigame is intended to learn pking - you won't know how to pk anywhere except for the duel arena with those setups, maybe in the event that you find the rare person in edge pvp worlds to hybrid fight, but you would not be outlast bridding there. You would not even understand how to add a gmaul.
