10 Ways to Get Free Newspaper Coupons

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10 Ways to Get Free Newspaper Coupons

10 Ways to Get Free Newspaper Coupons

Getting coupon inserts from the newspaper is a great way to start your coupon collection. But you may be wondering if you really must buy the newspaper to get coupons. Who reads the newspaper anymore, anyway?To get more news about coupon feature,Read More

Good news: there are lots of different ways to get free newspaper coupons, and you won’t even need to dumpster dive.

Plus, you’ll be able to put the coupons to use instead of having them end up in someone’s recycling bin. If you pair these coupons with sale prices on items you would normally buy, you’ll get some significant savings.
Ways to Get Free Newspaper Coupons
1. Ask a Librarian
Most libraries subscribe to at least one local and/or national newspaper that their patrons can read while inside the building. This includes the Sunday paper along with all the coupon inserts.

Chances are the staff won’t mind passing on the coupon inserts to you once Monday comes around – just ask.
2. Check for Free Local Papers
Here’s something you may not know…some newspapers give out free versions. Yes, actual physical hard copies.I live in a major metropolitan area, and one of the biggest newspapers has a free, Saturday-only version available for certain zip codes.

It’s not the full issue, but it does contain some articles of interest as well as the coupon inserts – all for FREE. Your local newspaper may do something similar. Try searching for “[your local paper] free edition” and see what you can find.
3. Ask Your Family, Friends, Neighbors, Coworkers, Etc.
It’s likely you know someone who subscribes to the Sunday paper and doesn’t want their coupon inserts…or at least, they’ll be willing to give you the ones they know they won’t use. Just ask.Beyond those close connections, think about other people you see regularly, like your coworkers. Try posting a note in your office breakroom, letting people know that you are interested in taking their unused coupon inserts off their hands.

4. Start a Coupon Exchange or Coupon Train
A coupon exchange is like asking your family and friends for coupons, but instead of just having them give you coupons, you each get the coupons that appeal to you.

For example, if you have a baby and your mom has a dog, you can give her the dog food coupons and she can give you her diaper coupons.
5. Check with Local Businesses
Think about the businesses that sell newspapers – gas stations, convenience stores, grocery stores, etc. They may be able to give you the coupon inserts from the newspapers that they don’t sell.
6. Look Around Your Mailbox
People who live in or work in the building will no doubt leave their coupon inserts behind, especially if there’s a dedicated spot for recycling near the mail.

Of course, you can always check the recycling area in the building, as well. Just be sure you get permission before you start your search.And speaking of mail, another place you can check – especially if you rent a post office box – is the post office. All those mailers that go to the neighborhoods in your area may also get delivered to post office boxes.

7. Contact Your Local Recycling Center
Speaking of recycling, another place to look for free newspaper coupons is your local recycling center. This is one step up from dumpster diving in that the paper is typically separated so it might not be as gross.

But even if you get permission to look through the paper bins at a recycling center, there’s no guarantee that you’ll easily find coupons. The paper will probably be all mixed together, so it may be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
8. Check with Local Schools
When I was in middle school and high school, I remember that my school subscribed to the newspaper so that we could keep up on current events.

I specifically remember one year in which we were required to look through the newspaper every day and save clippings that pertained to a specific subject of our choosing.
9. Go to the Dollar Store
Many dollar stores like Dollar Tree sell the Sunday newspaper for just $1. Some stores may limit the number of papers you can buy, but you’re probably only interested in a few copies, anyway.

10. Get a Discounted Subscription
I’ve been using coupons for over a decade now, and I can’t help but let you in on a few secrets. Here’s a big one: the newspaper isn’t the only way to get free coupons. In fact, it’s not even the best way.
