What should I do if I caught a cold during the 4th month of pregnancy?

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A cold is too common for us, and it is not a big deal for us. Taking some medicine will gradually recover from a cold, but a cold is indeed a very distressing thing for pregnant women. Because of the special status of pregnant A cold is too common for us, and it is not a big deal for us. T

A cold is too common for us, and it is not a big deal for us. Taking some medicine will gradually recover from a cold, but a cold is indeed a very distressing thing for pregnant women. Because of the special status of pregnant women, pregnant women cannot take medicine during pregnancy. In addition to taking medicine, what should I do if a pregnant woman who is 4 months pregnant has a cold?

1. Avoid fatigue

When a pregnant woman who is 4 months pregnant has a cold, she should first take more rest and don't do something that makes herself feel tired. Regarding the mood, we must also relax, so as not to aggravate the condition. At the same time, pregnant women should also pay attention to personal hygiene and go to places where there is no flow of people to avoid reinfection with other diseases.

2. Food talks

Pregnant women must pay attention to their own diet after catching a cold. Although pregnant women have passed the stage of severe pregnancy reaction and their appetite has basically recovered at the fourth month of pregnancy, they must pay attention to their own diet after catching a cold. If eating stimulating spicy food Food may aggravate colds. In addition to talking about the diet, there is also the need to drink more water. Drinking more water may help us eliminate toxins and heal faster.

Use the doppler fetal monitor to view the heartbeat of the fetus in the abdomen, observe the fetus at all times, and pay attention to his growth.
