Strong and gentle laser pointer color

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The most powerful laser pointer: blue laser pointer

The color on the far right has the shortest wavelength and the highest energy. In terms of intensity, they are considered the strongest, and blue light falls into this category. The laser is a high-brightness, strong directivity, and a light source that emits a monochromatic coherent beam. Due to the many advantages of the laser, it has been gradually used as a light source in the field of projection display technology in recent years. The high coherence of the laser brings about the speckle effect of high powered laser pointer projection display. The so-called speckle refers to the light scattered by the coherent light source when irradiating rough objects. Because its wavelength is the same and the phase is constant, it will be in space. Interference. According to Japanese media reports, Panasonic demonstrated the blue laser with the highest intensity so far. Its implementation plan is to use wavelength beam combining (WBC) and direct diode laser (DDL) technologies to successfully create a single unit. High-intensity blue beam.

Why the laser has so much energy

The scientific principle of laser "stimulated emission" was proposed by Einstein in 1917, and the theory of "spontaneous and stimulated emission" is considered to be the physics basis of modern blue laser pointer technology. To put it simply, high-energy level (E2) particles are hit by high-frequency (V=(E2-E1)/h) photons and generate exactly the same new photons. At the same time, these photons continue to collide and reflect with other particles to generate new ones. The photon continuously amplifies the initial light signal, and finally shoots a high-energy beam from the small hole.

How much is the laser pointer?

The unit for measuring the energy of a red laser pointer pointer is watts, the lowest is 3 milliwatts (ie 0.003 watts), and there are powers of 100, 200, 300, and 500 milliwatts. Some sellers even claim that their laser pointers can reach 10 watts. . The prices of these laser pointers are also different. The cheapest is only tens of dollars, and the most expensive is hundreds of dollars. Looking at the appearance, there have been many counterfeit products on the market. If you don’t pay attention to it, they are almost the same. However, if you compare the original and the counterfeit products carefully, you will find that the size of the counterfeit product is still slightly different from the original one, and the quality of the spray paint is also different. Differences, in addition, burrs can also be seen in some details such as pen caps and battery covers.
