What should you look for before hiring a React Native developer

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Starting at 2019, there were in excess of 204 billion mobile application downloads around the world. Besides, consumers spent over 23.4 billion U.S. dollars on mobile applications across all stages - and that is in Q1 of 2020 alone.

Starting at 2019, there were in excess of 204 billion mobile application downloads around the world. Besides, consumers spent over 23.4 billion U.S. dollars on mobile applications across all stages - and that is in Q1 of 2020 alone.

Considering those stunning numbers, it probably won't be an impractical notion to take advantage of the force of mobile applications for your business (assuming you haven't as of now). Furthermore in case you figure your business could profit from the development of a custom mobile application, then, at that point, odds are you're needing gaining a first class React Native designer to assist with carrying that plan to realization.

What is React Native?

Made by Facebook, React Native is an open-source JavaScript system used to make mobile applications. In view of Facebook's React system, which is utilized for building electronic UIs, React Native empowers mobile applications made with it to deliver natively on the two iOS and Android, which has been demonstrated to save a ton of time, cash, and assets.

It's a reasonable bet to say that mobile application development isn't going anyplace any time soon, and approaching a quality React Native designer can take your association to a higher level, acquiring you more business, expanding client faithfulness and commitment, and, eventually, assisting you with remaining both pertinent in a quick moving world and top-of-mind for your clients. Hire React Native Developer from a reputed company.

Be that as it may, when searching for a React Native designer, what sort of abilities and qualities are generally critical to search for?

Soft Skills to Look for in a React Native Developer

Specialized abilities are essential, certain, however let us not forget the consistently significant delicate abilities it takes to make a product engineer excellent.

Relational abilities

It sounds self-evident, however in an undeniably distant world, having the option to convey well and promptly is totally basic. When searching for developers, talk about their method for correspondence and their long stretches of work. Almost certainly, they might live in an alternate timezone than you, so having the option to make opportunity to associate is an unquestionable requirement.

It's likewise critical to set up assumptions with regards to the correspondence channels that will be utilized. What devices are being utilized inside at your association?

In conclusion, any successful cooperative person will request help when it's required. Over and over again we see valuable time squandered by somebody who was reluctant to ask another person for help. Guarantee that there are open lines of correspondence between your engineer and the remainder of your group and that they comprehend the proper gatherings for any issue they may have. Urge cooperating to reveal arrangements.

Fun Time Management

An ability that is first concern for most associations, using time productively turns out to be progressively significant when we're discussing projects with a severe cutoff time. That frequently becomes an integral factor for developers being recruited for an unmistakable undertaking where time is of the quintessence. With numerous product developers having an innovative soul, it's critical to realize that your venture is a first concern. Particularly with numerous associations moving into remote work interestingly, it's normal to be exhausted with regards to how time (and cash) is being spent. Hence, guaranteeing you're working with an engineer that realizes how to deal with their time admirably empowers you both to set up doable assumptions front and center while providing you with the solace of realizing they'll finish (forthcoming any sudden issues).

Critical thinking Skills

Issues will unavoidably emerge in any development project. An imaginative and logical designer can consistently find the arrangements and make all the difference for the undertaking. Your engineer should have the option to do their own exploration and can offer arrangements of real value.

While it's anything but a prerequisite, it's likewise useful to have a designer with various industry experience. They'll have the option to take that inescapable experience and apply it to pertinent circumstances experienced inside your association's undertaking.
At the point when you're employing another person to the group, it's continually going to be significant for them to be a decent culture fit and a general cooperative person. Notwithstanding the time being spent on a particular task with your association, the designer you're welcoming on ought to comprehend your business overall and its particular need, and should likewise work with the suitable individuals in the group to guarantee your vision is being uncovered.

Customer Feedback

It's consistently an amazing expansion to have customer input. It's only one out of every odd day that somebody will flaunt adverse surveys, yet sure input can give you an incredible glance at what you could possibly anticipate from an engineer from individuals who were once from your point of view.


Being versatile might be perhaps the main skill a designer can offer that would be useful. The business is constantly in motion; it's imperative to be capable and able to acquire new abilities and programming dialects when they do introduce themselves as a need for current and future ventures. Keeping steady over the most recent news and patterns will keep a designer significant and popular.

Exertion Estimation

Programming is costly. Subsequently, having a designer that can precisely investigate an undertaking and its moving parts (e.g., how long it will require for them to add a component) is indispensable to keep the item pushing ahead and set for on-time conveyance, just as guaranteeing that cash's not being squandered.

One can contend that exact exertion assessment could unquestionably fall under "hard abilities" as there's definitely more that goes into it than what meets the eye. Despite the fact that, it's worth focusing on that a decent designer will have some involvement in exertion assessments, and ought to have the option to provide you with a very smart thought of what your venture resembles as far as dollar sum and worker hours/assets needed to get it going.

Hard/Technical Skills to search for in a React Native Developer

Normally, any React Native engineer you'll welcome in to your group ought to have explicit hard specialized abilities to finish your task. At G2i we vet for engineers who have a profound comprehension of React Native. To take care of you, we asked our own specialists what those hard abilities may resemble. This is what they needed to say. Go ahead and utilize this information when you're leading your own designer screening:

Here is the thing that you should search for in a React Native engineer:
Solid information on React basics like the virtual DOM, part lifecycle, part state, and so on
Solid information on JavaScript and utilitarian programming standards. For instance, composing utilitarian code went against to basic code.
Experience with a state the board library like Redux, MobX or othersA profound comprehension of the full mobile application development lifecycle, for example, delivering to the application stores and consistent coordination
Composing perfect, dependable and viable code
Information on type checking and unit testing like quip, typescript, prop types, stream, and so on
Experience with troubleshooting mobile applications
Worked with huge applications and can rapidly comprehend a huge codebase
In certain undertakings, information on mobile programming dialects like Swift, Java, and Objective-C are required
Solid information on type checking and unit testing
Solid information on mobile programming dialects
Information on observing instruments like accident detailing and examination
Experience composing npm bundles and native modules

Traps to Avoid

Not knowing/getting what you're searching for in a designer
To observe somebody appropriate for your venture, you really want to realize what you're searching for in any case. Assuming you or somebody accountable for selecting inside your association isn't totally certain what that is, it very well may be an astute decision to take advantage of a pool of pre-reviewed developers. This can save you valuable time and cash and get your venture in progress quicker than the alternative.

Neglecting ability

Few out of every odd skilled designer is in Silicon Valley. Try not to fall into the snare of looking for ability in "prime" regions or looking for those that can be totally in-house. You're passing up developers that could set aside you cash with ability that is basically the same if worse for the current task.


Recruiting a React Native engineer that fits well with your group and has every one of the abilities and experience fundamental might seem like a tedious accomplishment, yet we guarantee it's conceivable. Indeed, that is by and large why we as of late distributed a bit by bit guide on how you can recognize and recruit the right React Native engineer.

Regardless of whether you've guaranteed your recruiting group is furnished with every one of the instruments and information important to track down the right fit, or you leave the complex confirming to an accomplished group like G2i, you're well en route to taking your business to new mechanical statures. Glad recruiting!
