Epoxy Pipe Lining -   Ideal Pipe Repair for All Properties

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Epoxy Pipe Lining -   Ideal Pipe Repair for All Properties

An effective water system is the most important hard infrastructure in a society. Why does the United States take it for granted?


Living in a country where there are more water bottles than cups and every household has a water filtration device, it is hard to imagine that 1. 1 billion people in the world (that is 1 out of every 7 people) do not have access to safe water.


It might be even more surprising to learn that most of the ancient pipes that make up the U. S. 's water infrastructure have not been repaired or replaced since WWII. seamless pipe


These pipes run in walls, beneath the floors, through ceilings, along buildings and under the ground, and carry everything from drinking water, sewage, pressurized air and chemicals.


The common due diligence mentality for property owners, facility managers and the government is to ignore the conditions of these aged pipes until they break.


But once a pipe breaks, a water/sewer system fails or corrosion turns our drinking water red, the fix is not a walk in the park and it is not easy on the wallet. Ironically, there is ample technology in the U. S. to predict and prevent all types of pipe problems.


Why do we wait until the last minute to fix a problem we know exists? This procrastination is especially concerning, since dealing with the aftermath of a pipe system failure is more expensive, time-consuming and inconvenient when compared to getting the pipes renovated in the first place.


Several pipe systems run through every building and property, most of which are as old as the building it serves. The substances, pressure, age and surrounding area contribute to every pipe's inevitable breaking point. Our pipe systems were not made to last as long as they have and that is why about 700 water mains break every day in the U. S.


All sewer, drain and potable systems experience corrosion, buildup and blockages with age. As the system corrodes and weakens, cracks and leaks occur, causing low flow, backups and damaged property.


Pipe repair is a challenging process, with math, precision and physical labor all heavily involved. Traditional pipe repair, called a re-pipe, involves replacing the damaged or old pipe with a new pipe, destined for the same fate.


A re-pipe job is a costly, time-consuming and messy procedure, which involves digging and construction equipment. The residents or tenants in the building or property would have to be displaced during the work and the water would have to be shut off. Unfortunately, a re-pipe does not solve the root of pipe system problems.


The alternative to the cumbersome re-pipe is the use of epoxy pipe lining technology. This cured-in-place pipe lining solution is more cost-effective, less time-consuming and extremely eco-friendly, since the original pipes are recycled in the ground, the land is preserved and there are no wasted construction materials.


Epoxy pipe lining is installed by use of existing access points, so technicians do not have to dig holes or trenches in ceilings, walls, floors or the ground. These epoxy coatings ensure contaminant-free drinking water and prevent sewage from leaking into the water table.


In addition to all of the before-mentioned benefits, the epoxy pipe lining process has been proven to be much more effective at lengthening the life of the pipes and preventing future problems. This is because it creates a new, seamless pipe within the host pipe that will withstand more pressure than the pipes in place.


If you are a property owner or property manager of residential, commercial, industrial or municipal properties, prevent havoc and headaches by taking advantage of the innovative epoxy pipe lining solution. Just because others are ignoring the crumbling water infrastructure around them, does not mean you have to sit idly by, as well.
