10 Things You Didn't Know A Motorcycle Could Do

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10 Things You Didn't Know A Motorcycle Could Do

10 Things You Didn't Know A Motorcycle Could Do

Motorcycles have a reputation for being the coolest and most dangerous set of wheels you could hit the tarmac with. However, there's more to hogs and bikes than just wearing leather jackets and being in a fraternity of other riders. There's a number of awesome things you could do on a motorcycle or with a motorcycle.To get more news about zeroemissions, you can visit davincimotor.com official website.

Motorcycles Can Reach High Speeds VERY Quickly
People often covet sports cars and their ability to go from “0 to 60” in short spans of time. It's a point of pride for both the manufacturer and the owner of the car. Advertisements make sure that you know what the car is able to do and those who own the car never hesitate to mention this statistic.

The Unique "Stoppie"
Most people have heard about a trick known as a wheelie. A wheelie is a trick where someone on a bike (motorized or not) balances on the back wheel, either in motion or stationary. This trick is fairly easy to pull off as long as you have the balance to stay upright.

A stoppie is similar, but instead of balancing on the back wheel, the rider balances on the front wheel. It gets this name from coming to a quick and sudden stop with the bike’s front brakes, sending the motorcycle forward. This maneuver is particularly dangerous because the rider could easily be flung off the bike or be flipped. Despite that, this trick is one of the unique things that one can do on a motorcycle.
Incredible Gas Mileage
Many times when we hear and see a loud car, we often assume that the vehicle gets terrible gas mileage. So, it's only natural that when we hear a motorcycle go by, with their rumbling, roaring engines we would make the same deduction.

Anything Can Be Made Into a Motorcycle
One thing that shouldn’t be underestimated is human ingenuity and creativity. We display this in so many ways: art, architecture, food, and our endless ideas for inventions to make life easier. Another method we use to express this can be in how we construct our vehicles. Motorcycles are an excellent outlet for this.

Fuel Innovations
Due to the fact that motorcycles are so customizable, you can create your ride to run on what you need it to. This could be standard gasoline or alternative fuels. One could also build a larger tank into your motorcycle to hold more of your fuel of choice. But perhaps the most interesting thing is similar to how you can build a motorcycle to look however you please.

Squeeze Into A Parking Space (Technically)
Motorcycles, as a rule of thumb, are much smaller than cars. Not all motorcycles are as compact as they could be, as some customized vehicles are slightly bulkier. However, for the most part, a base model motorcycle is long and notably narrow.

Motorcycles Of All Sizes Can Function
As previously stated, the simplistic nature of the nuts and bolts of a motorcycle makes it extremely customizable. While they can be made out of a bevy of materials and made to look like just about anything, they can also be various sizes.

Bikers Can Legally Lane Split
In certain states across the country, most famously California, motorcycles are allowed to perform a maneuver known as “lane-splitting.” This simply entails a rider traveling between cars and between the lanes of travel on the road. Some would argue that it could be slightly safer than traveling in the lanes, where they could be rear-ended or sideswiped as someone barges into the lane.

Motorcycles Can (Sometimes, In Some Places) Run Red Lights
Another privilege motorcyclists have would be the legal ability to run red lights. In places where it is legal, bikers can ride straight through a light that has just turned red. The reason for this exception is for the safety of bikers. As previously stated, car drivers tend to develop a blind spot for motorcycles.

Take a Ride On the Water
Last but certainly not least, there is something that small, fast motorcycles can accomplish that is pretty incredible. If you have a bike that is fast and light enough, it is potentially possible for you to ride the motorcycle across a body of water.
