A closer look at Cloud Gaming – the future of Video Games

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Games have become a vital part of our society. The gaming industry has evolved rapidly right from the play stations to cloud-based games.

Games have become a vital part of our society. The gaming industry has evolved rapidly right from the play stations to cloud-based games. The race to 5G and the rise of cloud computing has enabled the gaming engineers to roll out the cloud-based gaming. The growing penetration of high-speed internet, increasing acceptance of smart devices, rising utilization of gaming as a service and digital transformation in the entertainment industry are the factors driving the growth of the market. With the Indian gaming industry rapidly moving to the cloud, India has become one of the hot spots for cloud gaming.

The youth of India is more likely to be on mobiles rather than desktops. The cell phones do not have enough processing power required to compute these high-level games. Cloud gaming has enabled rendering these games and delivering live video stream to mobiles in real-time. Since cloud gaming offers instant access to play it is popularly known as on-demand gaming.

GaaS- Gaming as a Service

Gaming as a service (GaaS) is similar to software as a service (SaaS). It supports free to play model. In other words, it monetizes through the gaming service rather than selling the cloud games. The ideology behind implementing cloud GaaS is continuous updates in online games and the ability to access from anywhere.

It is a web-based infrastructure asking for regular feedback from the gamers. The games are regularly updated to make the gamers feel comfortable. Similar to Netflix, cloud gaming allows you to play high-end, blockbuster video games anytime, anywhere and on any device. So, cloud gaming is also called as Netflix of gaming. 

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