2k21 should have been essentially

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Reverse or baseline dunks still were triggering at OP levels. Just watch one of mt nba 2k21 joeknows stream of this demonstration. Got it guys! Hold the electricity bouton on the switch and wait till the Switch closes. Then power on the change and Voila! Dropped 66 as a slashing play. Dropped 23 as a pure slasher.

Biggest takeaway: Quick break slashing is OP on rookie difficulty. Lateral quickness is much more important than rate for freedom to actually shine. Shooting really took a hit this season so having the ability to lock down those that can shoot is an essential necessity. Some badges desire buffed while some want nerfed. HOF slither fin needs a buff, HOF pick pocket needs nerfed.

What's your opinions about a mid range slasher build. It is apparently somewhat much like the inside out playmaker from this year I left one today and I got compared to steph and trae. Is dunking worth a defensive or playmaking badge? I'm making a drama shot of build and have everything fairly sound on attributes, but my dip is essentially nonexistent and I've 17 extra attribute points to create him either dunk or put it on other people so that I can get a different badge. Suggestions?

You currently have sufficient playmaking badges and dunking isn't so significant on a playshot. The shooter meter is a abomination and carrying away the simplicity of pressing back on the pole to dribble behind your back but now I need to press diagonally depending on the flip side. Considering not even getting the game now.

Pretty sure it is possible to change it back to 20 at the full game. I also thought the same but I played with some quick games and that I now love the pro pole so much. I feel like I have already mastered it, getting the center point. Gameplay can also be feeling a lot better. This game feels like what 2k21 should have been essentially. I will definitely play this before next gen. Simply play the game and really take time to learn and adjust, it is fun and gets better. Demo nevertheless an L shaped but gameplay is looking fantastic so far, ideally mike wang doesn't ruin it after children whine. Additionally, I got a hang of the dribbling now also, didn't take long.

Also forgot to say that I fell 81 with Kobe today, had to take action on mamba day, that alone makes me feel confident about using the ace stick, and also gave me a feel of the gameplay. There's no need to receive it, it has 2k20 + minor changes. Next gen might be a different story but cheap nba 2k21 mt coins who knows at this stage.
