Key Features of Rest API

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A REST API is a programming interface that allows users to GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE data via HTTP queries. Here we describe the key features of Rest API.

Rest API:

A REST API is a programming interface that allows users to GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE data via HTTP queries. It is built with a RESTful framework, technologies, and a dynamic approach that is common in web development. The website API is linked to two separate software packages that are used by all browsers. Join FITA Academy for the best REST API Testing Training in Chennai and learn from industry experts. 

Key Features of Rest API:

It is Stateless:

The REST API's services are persistent, which means that each time we use it, we must inform it of our data, whether it is our customer details or any other information. 

If Fintech wants to attract all banking customers and convince developers to include financial apps in their tools, the scalability of their APIs is critical.

It Supports XML and JSON:

There are programmers for every taste, and an API should strive to accommodate them all. Thus, another feature of REST API would be that it meets the expectations of individuals who use JSON as well as those who rely on XML.

Giants like Microsoft, Google, and WordPress use this form of programming language in many of their tools for a variety of reasons, including the fact that it prohibits them from disregarding any developer. They all seem to have a place in the world of REST APIs. FITA Academy's REST API Testing Online Training offers certification training with 100% placement assistance.


Each modification to the REST API's architecture should be reflected in its documentation so that every developer who uses it understands what to expect. The documentation requires the API's designers to keep that information fully updated, which might be time-consuming at times. 

Error Messages:

Any developer who makes a mistake while dealing with an API will appreciate knowing what the fault was. As a result, the REST architecture's ability to include error messages that provide some insight in this regard is also relevant. Returning to Microsoft, the services provided by the firm founded by Bill Gates via Azure, its cloud tool include a clear list of possible error messages that must have come in handy on more than one occasion.


REST API is a data transfer protocol. It allows users to change, send, and receive data by employing a variety of services. REST API Testing Training in Bangalore provides real-time projects with practical approaches.

