How to Prevent Bed Bugs?

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Bed bugs are the type of the pests that can live anywhere in the house. Mostly they found in cracks in furniture, especially upholstered furniture. They most commonly infest the beds including mattress, box springs and bed frames.

Bed bugs are the type of the pests that can live anywhere in the house. Mostly they found in cracks in furniture, especially upholstered furniture. They most commonly infest the beds including mattress, box springs and bed frames. The worst thing about them that they feed by sucking blood from human body. They are mostly active at night. So, these bite people when they are sleeping. They bite commonly on the face, neck, hands and arms.

Bed bugs do not fly and their bit is also painless, you will only feel rashes. But, still you need to get rid of bed bug infestation as soon as possible. If you are already looking for a few ways to get rid of bed bugs then here are some tips for you all to prevent bed bugs.

After coming back from a vacation

You may have traveled somewhere and now you are back to your home. You need to know that you might have carried the bedbugs to your home along with you in your suitcase. So, never put your bag or suitcase directly on the bed.

Check for red marks on your body

Each morning, you should keep checking on your body for new red marks and rashes or, any blood spots on the bedding.

Kids coming from college

If your kid live in hostel and planning to come home then ask them to bring the clothes in a plastic bags. And while laundering do not mix with any other clothes.

What do bed bugs look like?

It is said that bed bugs cannot be seen with bare eyes, but if you will look closer you can actually see then crawling on your bedding. And if we talk about their looks then an adult bed bugs are oval shaped about the size of an apple seed. They have 6 legs and its antennae is not too much longer just half as long as their body.

Where do I look for bed bugs?

They are also clever in hiding and look for any convenient cracks or crevice. You can look for them in your mattresses, wooden bedsteads, window framing, cracks in floor and ceilings, etc.

What if I find bed bugs?

The first thing that you must do is to stay calm and then call the pest control services for a thorough inspection and bed bug control service. They will inspect your house and will develop the right pest management plan to help you get rid of the bed bugs.

Pest Control Services City wise
