Would a cesarean section be my choice?

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What method of birth should the expectant mother adopt? Some people are still considering it, while some expectant mothers have already planned for a cesarean section a few months before giving birth. According to Dr. Zhang Lei, the normal cesarean section rate is generally 20%-30%, but th

What method of birth should the expectant mother adopt? Some people are still considering it, while some expectant mothers have already planned for a cesarean section a few months before giving birth. According to Dr. Zhang Lei, the normal cesarean section rate is generally 20%-30%, but the cesarean section rate in many hospitals will far exceed this figure, some reaching 50% or even higher.

In fact, doctors will persuade expectant mothers to choose natural birthing methods when receiving consultations, but there are still many people who are discouraged. Some people who choose cesarean section are indeed due to health needs, but a considerable part is because they are afraid of pain, want to maintain their figure, or consider the harmony of their married life in the future (fear that natural birth will affect their future sexual life). Some are even designed to catch up on a particular day.

How to choose a production method

From the perspective of taking care of the baby, doctors will recommend that expectant mothers give birth naturally, which is actually recognized by many expectant mothers. However, when it came to the actual delivery, some expectant mothers could not hold on. After the severe labor pains, they still asked the doctor to perform a cesarean section operation. How should the production method be selected?

There are two types of delivery: vaginal delivery (natural birth) and cesarean delivery.

Vaginal natural childbirth is more in line with the laws of nature, and is beneficial to the mother and child's physiology and psychology. Therefore, under normal conditions, doctors will encourage expectant mothers to give birth naturally. However, in some cases, a cesarean section is required when natural vaginal delivery cannot be performed safely.

Under what circumstances should a pregnant woman undergo a cesarean section? This should be considered from both the mother and the fetus.

Maternal aspect

1. Pregnant women with pelvic stenosis or pelvic tumors that obstruct the birth canal.

2. The pregnant woman is a 35-year-old mother.

3. The reproductive tract of pregnant women is infected.

4. Pregnant women have more than two stillbirths, infant death and poor obstetric history.

5. Pregnant women who have not fully accepted permanent suture due to cervical atresia before, are suitable for cesarean section.

6. Pregnant women have had pelvic fractures or suffered from polio, their pelvis will be deformed and narrowed, and cesarean section is required.

7. Pregnant women have previously performed uterine operations such as cesarean section, myomectomy, hysterotomy or hysteroplasty. During natural childbirth, labor pain may cause the uterine scar to split, causing life-threatening. Cesarean section is safer.

8. Pregnant women suffering from high blood pressure should have a cesarean section when the birth fails.

9. Delayed labor.

10. Bleeding: such as placenta previa, early abruption of the placenta, uterine rupture, blood vessels previa, etc., not only endanger the mother but also endanger the life of the fetus, it is advisable to have a cesarean section.

11. Injuries of pregnant women: such as abdominal trauma, gunshot wounds, and accidental injuries from car accidents, all of which may injure the fetus. Emergency cesarean section is required to rescue the fetus.

Fetal aspects

1. Improper fetal position: such as breech position, transverse position.

2. Fetal distress, changes in fetal heart sounds or fetal hypoxia, and meconium occurs.

3. The fetus is too heavy: when the estimated weight of the fetus exceeds 4000 grams, such as vaginal delivery, dystocia and fetal trauma often occur, so it is safer to take a cesarean section.

4. The fetus is too small: when the estimated weight of the fetus is less than 1500 grams, cesarean section is safer.

5. Multiple births.

6, fetal malformations.

7. When the cervix is ​​not fully opened and the umbilical cord is prolapsed.

Carefully choose cesarean section

After understanding the basic situation of natural birth and cesarean section, experts still want to remind everyone here: choose cesarean section carefully, because cesarean section may also bring about the following situations:

Blind cesarean section, children are prone to ADHD:

Caesarean section changes the birth canal, changes the environment when the child comes into the world, and damages the nerve contact and other sensations brought about by the normal birth canal production process, making the child prone to ADHD during the growth process.

Babies born by cesarean section are prone to sensory integration disorders:

The normal production process of the fetus in the mother's birth canal is also the first chance for the brain and the body to coordinate with each other, and cesarean section deprives the child of the right to exercise first sensory integration, which may make the child may have sensory integration disorder (the so-called sensory integration disorder). Dissonance means that what the child thinks and what he does are not the same thing, and his thinking often cannot restrain his own behavior).

Fat mothers choose cesarean section carefully:

Expectant mothers who are fatter, because of the accumulation of abdominal fat, the wound healing is slow after cesarean section, so cesarean section should be selected carefully.

Use the sonoline b fetal doppler to view the heartbeat of the fetus in the abdomen, observe the fetus at all times, and pay attention to his growth.
