Important things to know about Emsella chair

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BTL Emsella Chair is a great option for women of any age who desire a non-invasive solution for urinary incontinence and improve your quality of life.

Emsella Chair would be focused on all those patients in whom the pelvic floor is especially exposed to a lot of stress, tension, or is weakened.

The key moments in which its use is recommended would be postpartum, in patients with uterine prolapse and patients with urinary incontinence problems, as well as certain sexual health problems.

In the case of men, it is mainly recommended to improve problems related to erectile dysfunction and urinary problems linked to prostate problems.

What you may notice while using the chair?

The therapy is carried out in a consultation, with clothes, and in a relaxed environment, where the patient sits on the Emsella chair London.

Different programs are depending on the needs of the patients. They are very well tolerated programs in which tingling and muscle contractions of the pelvic floor can be noticed during the procedure.

Avoid what harms your pelvic floor:

After the session, you can lead a completely normal life. This treatment allows for adjuvant treatments, that is, consecutively, such as gynecological laser, to enhance its effect.

How many sessions are needed?

8 sessions are usually recommended, scheduled once or twice a week, depending on the characteristics of the patient. Each session usually lasts 30 minutes and the results begin to be noticed after the first session. In terms of recovery time, the difference with the use of the chair compared to traditional Kegel exercises is quite evident.

By achieving supraphysiological contractions of the entire pelvic floor musculature, in the same period, we achieve much more effectiveness.

And since it is a treatment that does not depend on the effort of the patient, much more adherence is also achieved, since the person does not give up as usually happens with Kegel exercises, so the patient's recovery is much faster.

Other options to recover the pelvic floor:

There are several techniques and treatments to strengthen the muscles in this area that, although they may not give such fast results, are efficient if you are consistent:

- Kegel exercises are the most recommended to recover a weakened pelvic floor since the patient can do them at home. They are based on contractions and relaxations of the pelvic muscles and must be done for several minutes a day.
- Chinese balls: this is a passive gymnastics device that is inserted into the vagina to increase the muscle tone of the pelvic floor.
- Other options are physiotherapy treatments: such as massage therapy, kinesitherapy, hypotensives, electrostimulation, among others.

Are you looking for an Emsella chair near me? Do not hesitate to contact ai-beauty for more information.
