What Exactly is Big Data?

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FITA Academy offers the best Big Data Courses with the Placement Assistance.

What exactly is big data?

Big data refers to massively complex structured and unstructured data sets that are generated and transmitted in real time from a variety of sources. To learn more about Big Data domain, join Big Data Training in Chennai at FITA Academy. The three Vs of big data are comprised of these characteristics:

  • Volume: Volume refers to the enormous amounts of data that can be stored.
  • Velocity:  The breakneck speed with which data streams must be processed and analysed.
  • Variety: The various sources and forms of data collected, such as numbers, text, video, images, audio, and text, are referred to as variety.

Data is constantly generated these days whenever we open an app, search Google, or simply travel from place to place with our mobile devices. As a result, Massive amounts of valuable data that businesses and organizations must manage, store, visualize, and analyze. FITA Academy’s Big Data Training in Coimbatore will enhance your technical skills in Big Data Platform.

Traditional data tools aren't designed to handle this level of complexity and volume, so a slew of specialized big data software and architecture solutions have emerged to handle the load. Big data is essentially the manipulation of the three Vs in order to gain insights and make predictions, so it's useful to examine each attribute in greater detail.


Big data is massive. While traditional data is measured in megabytes, gigabytes, and terabytes, big data is measured in petabytes and zettabytes.

Consider this comparison from the Berkeley School of Information: one gigabyte is the equivalent of a seven-minute HD video, whereas a single zettabyte is equivalent to 250 billion DVDs.

This, however, is only the tip of the iceberg. According to an EMC report, the digital universe is doubling every two years and is expected to reach 44 trillion zettabytes by 2022.

Big data provides the architecture for dealing with this type of data. It would be impossible to mine for insights without appropriate storage and processing solutions.


Everything about big data is fast, from the rate at which it is generated to the amount of time required to analyse it. Some have compared it to drinking from a fire hose.

Companies and organizations must be able to harness this data and generate insights from it in real-time, or it will be ineffective. Real-time processing enables decision makers to act quickly, giving them an advantage over their competitors.

While some types of data can be batch processed and remain relevant over time, much big data is flooding into organizations at breakneck speed and necessitates immediate action for the best results. Sensor data from medical devices is an excellent example. The ability to process health data in real time can provide users and doctors with potentially life-saving information.


Approximately 95 percent of all big data is unstructured, which means it does not easily fit into a simple, traditional model. Emails and videos, as well as scientific and meteorological data, can all be part of a large data stream, each with their own distinct characteristics.


Big data refers to massively complex structured and unstructured data sets that are generated and transmitted in real time from a variety of sources. Here, we have discussed about what is Big Data and to know more about Big Data Courses, join FITA Academy’s Big Data Online Course with Placement Assistance and worthy certification.



