Space and timing are the key to making a perfect putback dunk

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Space and timing are the key to Nba 2k22 Mt making a perfect putback dunk. Be sure to press the button while the ball is in the air and you don't have any other players fighting for the rebound are crucial to seal a putback dunk in NBA 2K22.

A standing dunk can be executed by holding down on the shooting button (square or X) or by flicking the left stick upwards while holding RT or R2. Standing dunks can be performed by forwards or centers with the elite or pro dunk packages with NBA 2K22. The player should be standing and free of defenders to execute this move.

A dunk that is aggressive can be accomplished by holding the triggers of the R2 and RT and flicking the left stick anywhere while sprinting. Aggressive dunks are available to anyone with elite dunking package including Ja Morant, Vince Carter, and Zion Williamson.

It's okay if opposing mt for sale 2k22 defenders are within the paint, with elite basketball players, as they have the required attributes to perform spectacularly over them. If you have your player sprint from the backcourt and have excellent stamina can increase your chances of finishing the move.
