Helpful Car Cleaning Help and Tips | Hire Professionals!

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Helpful Car Cleaning Help and Tips | Hire Professionals!

Let's face it, most of us who own cars do actually desire them to be sparkling and clean - even if it doesn't always work out that way! Here are some quick handy hints and tips for effective bil rengøring. A hand wash is always the way to go. Hand washing gives you a chance to experience the tactile shape of the car body, to be in full control of the treatment, and is a great way to inspect and familiarize yourself with your car's surfaces!

Dashboard Cleaning

Try using baby wipes on car dashboards, they clean like new and leave an anti-static layer! A good quality chamois or microfiber cloth is recommended for wiping the surface of a vehicle, other items such as old clothes or diapers will more often than not leave fine 'hair line' scratches. A proper chamois or cloth will pick up the bad stuff, not grind it into the paint finish.

Use Best Cleaning Products

We notice a lot of people are using dishwashing detergent when washing the car... not good friends. It gets the car clean, but strips any protective wax coatings, exposing the vehicle to possible nicks, scratches, and stains. A carwash soap will do a much better job to preserve your car's finish! As warmer months approach try not to wash your car when the body is hot, such as straight after driving or in direct sunlight.

Cleaning Car Windows

When cleaning car windows be sure to use a car cleaning product, home-based cleaners and products can damage car windows, particularly if they are tinted! Go top to bottom! When cleaning a car it's always best to start at the top, as water travels down this will save precious re-wiping time gravity is your friend! A quality windscreen additive in addition to the water in your washer tank will help in removing external grime and dirt from your windscreen. Vision is always a good thing!
