Using QR Codes | Custom Labels to Engage Customers!

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Using QR Codes | Custom Labels to Engage Customers!

QR codes, an acronym for Quick Response Codes, are two-dimensional (2D) barcodes used to transmit data through barcode readers available on most mobile phones. You've probably seen 2D barcodes before, as they're often affixed to credit card transfers, bills, and other bulk mail items. The paper and digital worlds can be connected when installed in mail correspondence, making it easy to encrypt customer data for speedy processing.

QR Codes

QR codes quickly appear in magazines, advertisements, billboards, and of course, custom product labels. Unlike traditional one-dimensional barcodes, QR codes are easily created with the help of qr code maker and can contain more useful information in a more reliable format. Traditional barcodes store data horizontally from left to right, which limits the amount of data they can store. Two-dimensional barcodes store information vertically and horizontally in a repeating format.

Ability to Read

Many quick response codes rely on mobile phones for translation. If you have a cell phone with a camera, you have the ability to read almost any QR code. Some phones require an app to interpret the code, while others use the camera and text messaging features to decode the message. The technology used to read the code depends on the phone used and the technology used to generate the code and the relevant content.


When you find a QR code on a tag or other tool, simply open the code reader app or your camera, scan the code, and wait for a response. Usually, scanning a quick response code will give you access to specific content, discounts, or exclusive materials. This is an easy way to make your product labels interactive and instantly satisfying to your customers.

Marketing Promotional Campaign

The most attractive aspect of QR codes from a commercial point of view is that the content can change. You can do this if you want to offer a short-term discount and then change the offer to a discount on a sister product, or perhaps provide a special recipe or rotating content. Unlike traditional barcodes that link to specific content, QR code offers can be updated or modified to reflect your current advertising or marketing campaign.
