Madden 21 next-generation details: EA answered key follow-up questions after the initial release

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In the past week, I had the opportunity to be part of the Madden 21 live broadcast on next-generation consoles. Although some information has been known during the meeting, there are still some questions on Madden 21 Coins.

EA answered the questions kindly enough for me through follow-up cooperation with their development team. The following are questions and answers from Connor Dougan, Creative Director of Madden NFL. I believe the information here should be of value to fans who are interested in the next generation of Madden 21.

Why did the team choose not to improve performance related to injuries, especially in the franchise model? It seems that this is an area of ??opportunity that can transfer some enhanced immersion to users, but it has not been exploited.

Significant updates to simulation-focused features like Wounds are definitely our radar, and we hope to use these features as much as possible in the next few years. For this reason, to truly make them meaningful and influential to our players, they also need to spend more time designing and implementing our various modes and different game methods. Injuries have not reached the schedule this year, but this is something we really hope to resolve as soon as possible.

My conclusion from the "Next Generation Statistics" dialogue is that the current data will not be used for Buy MUT Coins, but for generating realistic movements. NGS feels like an amazing technological development, and an opportunity to produce and brag about having the most realistic player ratings in any sports game. Unless I misunderstood, why not use NGS for player scoring?
