How to stop running in Madden 21

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Any Madden player will tell you that passing is the best way to score quickly, but running at will is a valuable skill. It can save you work in later and short-term situations and help you save time when you need it.

In this case, it is very important for Madden 21 Coins to know how to stop. It is relatively easy to fool AI with the read option, and you cannot manually control every defensive end of QB read.

If you do not align the pre-capture well, it is very difficult to stop the operation. From the appearance of "horn" or "nickel", you will not bear too much pressure on the grass line. If you see a bunch of tight ends or guards, choose 4-4, 3-4 Bears or 4-6 defensive lines. Just getting more guards close to the line of scrimmage will help suppress the edge of the offense, and the outer line of the funnel will spread inward on the defensive end.

One of the best ways to stop running is to Buy Madden 21 Coins to bring the player closer. Keep your defensive engineers in a basic position and place them face up on top of the offensive engineers to make them more flexible on either side. Pedestal alignment is only part of the equation and can sometimes become an obstacle. The important part is press coverage. If you think it is coming, please choose media coverage so that your cornerback, safety and coverage guard are as close as possible to the line of scrimmage. If your top seven are defeated, keeping your defenders and safety zone close to the ball can ensure that they won't cause you too much damage.

Just pressing the previous snapshot of the coverage is not enough. If you think your opponent is about to throw the ball, you should screen. AI will automatically run to a location within the area coverage, instead of attacking people they should cover when stealing the ball. Sometimes, these areas will force your corners and safe areas to retreat as early as possible, and the cover ensures that they begin to attack.
