Impressive, contemporary 3D visuals that remain true to the appearance

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Impressive, contemporary 3D visuals that remain true to Diablo 2 Items the appearance and feel of the original. Visuals that sit at the top of these classic 2000-era pixels, presenting a radical visual makeover which preserves what makes Diablo II, nicely, D2.

"It's a different kind of challenge," Rob Gallerani, Primary Designer on Diablo II: Resurrected informs us asked about the decision to go 3D whilst maintaining the 2D core. "I will assert that it is simpler than trying to rebuild brick-for-brick the entire game. I'd rather take the Sistine Chapel and rotoscope over it then be like here's a bunch of pictures, go build it . It does have unique challenges because we're seeing behind the curtain"

For Diablo II: Resurrected, that contains the game and the Lords of Destruction growth, 1 way to think about it's because rotoscope or tracing sense. Using the underlying assets and match as a means to push the 3D layer. On top of taking each and every part and recreating it, animating it, including textures, and lighting also -- the challenge mainly derives from the nature of going 3D.

"It is the 2D into 3D world translation," Rod Fergusson, Executive Producer on Diablo II: Resurrected adds. "When you've got a sprite-based 2D world it is a flat thing on a level thing. And today you have stairs with altitude, you've got undulating ground a sword must fall onto. Even simple things like readability turned into a challenge, like a Paladin's Aura. The way which you can view the Aura very definitely tells you you have that specific Aura. What if you're walking into a grassy area and the aura has been Cheap Diablo 2 Resurrected Items blocked by grass because that's 3D now and it's physically on the ground and growing up throughout the Aura. Well, you have gained realism but lost a certain amount of readability and clarity.
