Reasons why Path of Exile loses players on Steam

코멘트 · 479 견해

On the one hand, it is said that Grinding Gear Games prefers streaming media than ordinary players.

At 1:21 pm on July 9, 2021, Oliver J?ger-Grinding Gear Games’ "Path of Exile" lost a large portion of its players on Steam in June. For 22 months, the daily high has also fallen below 10,000 players. The news also circulated on Reddit. Reddit user "UsualInitial" wants to know why players' interest in Path of Exile has fallen so fast.

First of all, he said that for the game, it is normal for the number of players to decrease again soon after the release after the big expansion. However, the number of lost players in Path of Exile is very high, which is why UsualInitial suspects that the player retention rate of the ultimatum expansion must be one of the worst in history. He gave several reasons why this ratio is so bad. Many players who feel good have the blessing of POE Currency.

On the one hand, it is said that Grinding Gear Games prefers streaming media than ordinary players. Players will have to wait at the time of release, and streaming can bypass it. Although this is good for the audience, it does not satisfy long-term players. On the other hand, there is an alliance mechanism this season. It is said that the content is that a player runs around in circles, kills mobs, and thus gets rich rewards. In the event of death, it is said that the reward has been reset. It is said that the mechanic was very efficient in farming in the first few weeks.

Finally, he mentioned that Grinding Gear Games prefers to weaken content to achieve balance, rather than adding new content at the end of the game. Ordinary players should Buy POE Currency to complete the game. In addition, it is frustrating for UsualInitial to farm for a few hours in order to be able to afford an item that is not certain it can be weakened. Why Path of Exile has lost so many players in the past few months is still uncertain. However, in terms of game reviews and Steam ratings, this does not seem to change anything, as both are still very positive.
